IN support of the work of humanitarian organisations, Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence, has donated computers and cash to three organisations to help in the battle against social ills.The minister presented a desktop computer to the Prevention Of Teenage Suicide (POTS) Guyana organisation to assist in their research efforts and the operations of their Crisis Centre. The computer was presented to Dwayne Brhamdeow, a member of POTS, which takes anti-suicide messages to teenagers throughout Guyana.
A laptop computer and printer were also presented to the Agricola Outreach Group to support their community work, which includes skills training for residents. The group which was launched in December 2015 with youths in the community, also works in collaboration with the Board of Industrial Training of the Ministry of Social Protection and offers training programmes for youths.
Minister Lawrence also presented a cheque for $500,000 to Police Superintendent and Personal Assistant to the Commissioner of Police Mahendra Singh, towards the work of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Fallen Heroes Foundation.