– CDB President
GUYANA is seen as an important and strategic ally in the Caribbean for the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and a faithful partner of the financial institution, as even during the tough years of economic hardship, it continued to meet its financial obligations, President of the institution Dr. William Warren Smith has said.“I think we would recognise now that Guyana is enjoying better fortunes and Guyana, in the not too distant future, is going to be one of the economic leaders of the Caribbean, (and) we would want to hitch our wagon to the Guyanese economy,” Dr Smith declared.
He noted that apart from Guyana’s capacity to become the region’s “breadbasket” once again, it is well endowed with energy resources, which at this point in time has to be in the shop window. “There’s a lot that hinges on the success of Guyana,” he said.
The positioning of Guyana as the South American gateway has led to an awakening of the consciousness of other Caribbean countries, he explained. “There’s this large continent, not too far from us that has emerged and now represents great economic opportunities, economic opportunities for those who have large manufacturing capability, but also those who have large and vibrant tourist industries, so that Guyana represents for us a large English speaking gateway into that very large continent”.
“This is understood and the CDB will not lose the chance to engage with Guyana,” he added.
Dr Smith said the opportunity for the CDB to expand is there, and as Guyana’s economy grows, the bank will also need to diversify its portfolio and grow its business.
“If a country this size is going to be one of the fastest regional countries, in our membership, then it would be foolhardy for us to do anything but to develop a close relationship with Guyana,” he bluntly declared.
The CDB is being hosted in Guyana for its annual Board of Directors Meeting, from May 28 to 29, at the Guyana International Conference Centre.