IN reflection this year has been one of applauses and sympathies.

We celebrated Obama’s historic victory and cried on MJ’s sad demise. We were exhilarated at some fine achievements and melancholic on others loosing their lives to brutal wars and sadistic domestic violence.

I’m always a devotee of peace and it so happened that John Lennon did his piece on Give Peace a Chance around my birth time! So when I saw the holidays colliding with one another with the themes of joy at Jesus birth, thankfulness at Abraham’s sacrifices, patience at Hanukah, unity at Kwanza, fortitude at Muharram and enlightenment at Divali, they resonate for me a common value:- Love.

I speak as a child of this innocent gift that when all values end Love begins. I saw this when I recently invited Dr Abulaish to speak at our Eid dinner. He had lost three daughters in the Gaza war with his others injured and orphaned but beyond logic did not allow the hatred of the enemy to tarnish his heart. He walks with his head high while forgiving the murderers. It had to be love for something higher and love for the ideals of Faith that makes him today the Nobel Prize nominee.

This New Year should be heralded with all the good things we often do and think of. But like any meaningful minute in a dying man’s prayer this 2010 should be resolved for just Love. Let peace and harmony be the bouquet of tomorrow’s dreams, let forgiveness and happiness be the cheers to lead us on and let the broken-heartedness of those suffering be the offering on the altar of the Divine for only the heart cleansed and loving will get what he/she wants. Powerful God let it be!

“None of you will truly have faith unless he loves for others what he loves for himself.” Muhammad.
A Peaceful New Years and Thanks for the Time.
Salam; Shanti; Shalom!

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