Caitlin Viera
- January 28, 2018
RECENTLY, I have had an unusual amount of people asking me how to be ‘happy’. It’s a very difficult question to answer as happiness …
- January 21, 2018
AS WE move forward with the New Year, I would like to talk about emotional acceptance and how beneficial it is to our overall …
- January 14, 2018
BY now we have all resumed our ‘normal’ life- back to work, school, gym, healthy eating, no drinking etc. – at least I hope …
- January 7, 2018
I WOULD like to talk about positive thinking today- something that I hope everyone will practice in this new year. Positive thinking is vital …
- December 31, 2017
TOMORROW, the new day will equal a new year. I hope that 2017 allowed for good mental and physical health. To those who have …
- December 24, 2017
TO all those celebrating today and tomorrow- I wish you the very best that the days have to offer. To those who aren’t, I …
- December 17, 2017
WHILE most of us are rightfully excited for Christmas, many of those who are experiencing mental health issues are nervous about the upcoming holidays …
- December 10, 2017
TODAY I would like to talk about the importance of sleep – which has more benefits than I believe we all know. Unfortunately, many …
- December 2, 2017
THIS past Friday, December 1 was World Aids Day. Just like various types of mental illnesses, HIV and Aids bring a lot of stigma …