DVA clubs’ volleyball league| Castrol strikers’ blast past VENGY to top league table
Castrol Strikers team
Castrol Strikers team

CASTROL Strikers are the latest winners in the Demerara Volleyball Association (DVA) clubs league ongoing at the National Gymnasium.
The Castrol Strikers came up against VENGY FC in the best of five sets league match-up earlier in the week and came out on top in straight sets.
They won the first set 25-15 before clinching the second 25-14 and closed it out in the third 25-17.

The win sees Castrol strikers moving to the top of the table with 25 points after 8 wins and 2 losses.
They have now won a combined 25 sets in 33 sets played over the course of the league.
The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) who held the reins at the top of the standings move to second place with 7 wins out of 9 games on 24 points after 2 losses.
A distant third place is Alpha Volleyball Club with 5 wins in eight outings on 18 points.

Premier Eagles are fourth with Classic Ball Blaster, VENGUY and Vanguards Volleyball club, rounding out the standings in that order.
The league continues with games through-out the week.
The top four teams will advance to the semi-final set for July 22-23 at the National Gymnasium.


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