-says ‘Hold On’ no matter what is thrown in your path
POONAM Singh continues to make magic with her voice and the heartfelt, meaningful lyrics of her songs. She’s done it again; this time with ‘Hold On’ – the title of her newest music released on April 21 on all social media and streaming platforms.
Though it may be hard to believe, Poonam said that, all her life, she’s experienced hardships and challenging experiences, some of which she still has not healed from. Some of them remain bottled up and unspoken of, while some of them are known.
“Nevertheless, I’ve been through a lot that took a toll on me mentally, physically, emotionally and sometimes even spiritually, where I find myself asking God, ‘Why did that happen to me? Or why me?’ Because of this, I decided to write the words of this song and it somehow helped me get through most of everything,” Poonam shared with Buzz this week.
Thinking that perhaps the song can also be beneficial to others, she decided to officially record and release it. “And so, because I ‘held on’ and I didn’t let any negativity overpower my path, I’m happy to say so far, I’ve managed to win awards from Guyana, New York and even the Caribbean for international recognition.”

Even U.S Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, listed on Spotify one of her songs as being among his top 25 favourites!
So despite it all, Poonam said she stayed true to who she is, and has this bit of advice to offer: “Continue to ignore the noises, the negative voices, whether it’s coming from within or outside. Just don’t give up on that string of lights that is forever shining so bright in you. Remember you have the power to become whatever you wish to be, just work hard, stay determined, stay consistent and hold on because life still has so much to offer, my dear!”
Her target audience, she says, is everyone. “I know I’m not the only one who is going through something and if I can help at least one person to keep holding on and to never give-up, no matter what is thrown on his/her path, then that’s enough for me.”
Despite grateful for all her blessings, Poonam cannot help but reflect on how the popular genres here affect her work. “You see, growing up in a beautiful country like Guyana is surely a blessing and there is a lot we should be thankful for and I’m very grateful.
“However, I must say, in my country, when it comes to music, the dominant genres are soca, reggae, dancehall and of course, chutney, while the genre of my music is pop. That itself is a struggle. Yet, I told myself that I will always stay true to who I am and the type of songs I wish to share to my followers and fans and to the general public as well.”