Region Three private sector applauds diplomatic breakthrough in Argyle talks
Head of Region Three Private Sector Inc. (R3PSi) Halim Khan
Head of Region Three Private Sector Inc. (R3PSi) Halim Khan

THE Region Three Private Sector Inc. (R3PSInc) extends commendation to President Dr. Irfaan Ali for his exceptional leadership and commitment to achieving regional peace.
The recent discussions held on Thursday, December 14, 2023, in Argyle, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, marked a significant milestone in resolving the longstanding territorial disputes between Guyana and Venezuela.

According to R3PSInc Head, Halim Khan, President Ali’s dedication to diplomatic dialogue and his pivotal role in fostering an environment conducive to constructive negotiations have paved the way for a historic agreement.

The collaboration with Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro under the facilitation of Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves and Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, demonstrates President Ali’s adeptness in navigating complex diplomatic challenges.

The accord, witnessed by esteemed leaders from the Caribbean, Latin America, and international observers, underscores, Khan said, President Ali’s commitment to fostering good neighbourliness, peaceful coexistence, and the unity of the Latin American and Caribbean region.

The outlined agreements, particularly the commitment to non-aggression, adherence to international law, and the establishment of a joint commission for ongoing dialogue, Khan underscored, reflects President Ali’s unwavering dedication to conflict resolution through diplomatic means.

These measures, he added are crucial steps towards maintaining the Latin America and the Caribbean region as a Zone of Peace.

“Region Three Private Sector Inc. applauds President Dr. Irfaan Ali for his statesmanship, vision, and commitment to regional stability. The success of these negotiations not only fosters peace between Guyana and Venezuela but also sets a positive example for the entire region. We express our sincere appreciation to President Ali, Prime Ministers Gonsalves and Skerrit, and all other leaders involved, as well as the Government and people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, for their roles in making this historic meeting a success,” Khan noted.

President Ali’s leadership in achieving this diplomatic breakthrough, the R3PSInc Head said, is a testament to his dedication to the prosperity and well-being of the entire Latin American and Caribbean community.

“The Region Three Private Sector Inc. stands in support of this collaborative effort and looks forward to a future marked by strengthened regional ties and continued peace under President Ali’s guidance,” Khan added.


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