Essequibians participate in breast cancer awareness walk
Scenes from the breast cancer awareness walk in Essequibo
Scenes from the breast cancer awareness walk in Essequibo

SCORES of Essequibians joined the Seeta Ram Radhay Shyaam Mandir on Sunday morning to show support to all those who are living with breast cancer.

According to the organizer, Bharrat Parmanand, the members of the mandir, which is located at Sparta on the Essequibo Coast, felt it was an important event, as it would involve members of the public, and signal to those battling the dreaded disease that they are not alone.

The walk commenced from Jaigobin Hotel, at Henrietta, and ended at the mandir. Everyone who participated was dressed in pink.

Scenes from the breast cancer awareness walk in Essequibo

“We are a religious group, and we want to use our efforts in supporting those cancer patients, especially during the month of October. From the time we said we would have the walk, there has been positive feedback,” Parmanand told this publication.

He said he was very happy with the turnout, and is hoping to make the walk an annual one.

Parmanand advised women and men to visit their doctors regularly for a checkup.

The month of October is known as Pinktober, and the national breast cancer awareness month. The month is used to raise awareness of the disease, and also to enlighten persons about its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure.


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