CAROL Nurse, Chairperson of the # 8 Village, West Coast Berbice, Woodlands/Bel Air Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) said the Council and the community have good relations and would partner to maintain a clean village.
She told the Pepperpot Magazine that the NDC controls five villages from #6 to #10 Villages, West Coast Berbice, which falls under the Woodlands/Bel Air NDC.
Nurse added that #8 Village has seen its fair share of community-based development in a project in which the central government and the Ministry of Works upgraded 16 streets this year.
She related that spending from their subvention saw the construction of two wooden bridges linking #8 Village with neighbouring villages # 9 and #10.

The chairperson stated that the community itself conceptualised the multi-purpose building. Still, the project was funded via the Social Impact Amelioration Programme (SIMAP) but, as is, it needs upgrading. It is utilised for events and functions hosted by the locals and is under the NDC’s control.
Nurse added that #8 Village doesn’t have a health centre but the nearest one is located at #7 Village and the villagers would utilise that or go to the Fort Wellington Hospital.

She disclosed that #8 Village, West Coast Berbice, has 32 part-time workers who get 10 days of work every month and 18 Community Infrastructure Improvement Programme (CIIP) employees who maintain the parapets and drains in the village.
Nurse reported that the NDC also has a flower garden, and the staffers take care of it and try to keep the surroundings clean and tidy.
She disclosed that they intend to install solar street lights in #8 Village, West Coast Berbice, as part of their upcoming project.
The chair reported that they have two tractors, a brand new one with a trailer, but the older tractor/trailer is used for garbage collection in the village every second Wednesday of the month.
She stated that for $300 per barrel and $200 per salt bag, the residents would often clean up their immediate surroundings.
Nurse pointed out that there is a need for the community centre ground to be upgraded and for the village to benefit from a landline phone service, since from #9 to # 6 don’t have a service.
Nadine Pluck, the farmer
Meanwhile, in the same village is the residence of Nadine Pluck, a farmer who recently lost her crops of tomatoes and celery, among other vegetables.
She is replanting new crops and will have to invest in securing seedlings for the undertaking, since it is her only source of income.
Pluck told the Pepperpot Magazine that she has lived most of her life in the village; it is her safe place, and relatives and other good people surround her.
The resident added that #8 Village is a quiet place where the people do many things to earn honestly and it is a community of farmers and some like-minded professionals who hold jobs in offices and agencies.
Pluck related that long ago she used to go to the Rosignol Market to sell her produce, but these days the wholesalers are buying the produce for cheap and re-selling at a hefty price, so it is not viable to continue.
The farmer utilises her yard space to plant and she lost 10 trays of tomato plants due to heavy rainfall.

Pluck has five siblings; two brothers were by her side when the team visited and they were planning to go out to run a few errands.
“Presently it is a tough time for me and my family members because within a short space of time we lost our parents and it has been challenging since,” she said.
The local reported that the village is small but has many youths who need a place for recreation and games.
Pluck said #8 is a safe village and she would often leave her doors unlocked and go out for a long period, and nothing will go missing.
Despite the challenges of farming, she remains optimistic and is hoping to replant crops soon.