WITH- wetter-than-usual conditions expected across all 10 administrative regions for the next two months, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha said preparations are in place to mitigate the effects of flooding.
In a seasonal review by the Hydromet Service, it was disclosed that wetter-than-usual (above normal) weather can be expected across the country for the rest of August, September and October; however, the season is expected to be drier that the previous months.
“We have preparations in place, but because of the amount of rainfall in the short period of time, we might have flooding, but we are trying our utmost to ensure that we have all systems in place,” Mustapha told the Guyana Chronicle during a telephone interview.
According to the Hydromet Service, water levels in conservancies, reservoirs and inland rivers across all regions are likely to decrease as the season progresses. The highest amount of rainfall can be expected in Regions One, Seven and Nine.
Following the 2021 floods, works were done across the country to mitigate the effects of flooding. These works, the minister said, are a part of the ministry’s works programme for 2022.
“Over the last rainy period up to now we have tried to minimise flooding. We were able to do so and I’m hoping that we can put more systems in place. We are clearing canals and doing our annual work programme so that we can have all the systems working.
“Many of the sluices now are complemented with pumps, so when the tide comes back the pumps would go into operation; so many areas are draining on a 24-hour basis.”