THIRTY-SIX traffic ranks drawn from the various Regional Police Divisions on Monday, commenced a one-week training programme in Licensing and Certifying.
The programme was conducted at the Police Officers’ Training Centre, Camp Road, Eve-Leary, in keeping with the COVID-19 guidelines and was coordinated by Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Linden Isles. The programme will see the ranks focusing on topics such as: – financial regulations; goods transportation licence; provision as to physical fitness and application for drivers’ licence; issuing of competence; workshop licence; road engineering; CCTV footage and registrations among others.

Declaring the course open and giving brief remarks, Deputy Commissioner-Administration, Paul Williams, DSM, urged the participants to set an example – “You cannot have your vehicles in the station compound with tint and then asking persons to remove theirs, you must lead by example; he also implored the ranks to be good record keepers, accountable, responsible, not to be compromised, to execute their duties within the confines of the law and to have a vicarious appetite for reading.
Mr. Williams, who has a wealth of experience in the field of Licensing and Certifying, having served for 13 + years, reminded the ranks not to abuse their powers when being challenged, but instead listen and use their knowledge gained to respond to challenges, and reiterated that there is nothing like knowledge.
In attendance were Force Training Officer, Superintendent Shivpersaud Bacchus; Deputy Traffic Chief, Deputy Superintendent, Joseph Jack; Traffic Education Officer, Assistant Superintendent, Raun Clarke, and Course Coordinator, Cadet Officer Stephen Harris.