Dear Editor,
WE should all know by now that the PPP will do anything and everything to get back into power. We all know that GAWU will do all that it can towards ensuring that sugar workers remain as the major supporter of the PPP. So, when false promises are being pelted out to the public especially the sugar workers at this time, I am not and we should not be surprised.
In December 2017 as stated in the news almost 4000 sugar workers were given termination letters in Berbice. What I know for a fact is that those letters were not given to them without notice it was in the news for a long time that they will receive termination letters due to the fact that a few estates will be closed. We all know that sugar is not making a profit, so something has to be done in ensuring that GuySuCo does not go into further debts. If the company is to go into further debts then sometime soon it means that they will not have monies (is not like they have now) to pay workers and then the same would have to happen in terms of termination. But it seems like the PPP and GAWU do not know this.
We need to understand that even a private business person will do the same if he\she is not making a profit. They will close the business down and send home their workers, all because they do not want to run at a loss and incur more debts. Let me give my sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the two sugar workers who committed suicide in December 2017. I know that sudden death can have an impact on the families and I asked that you all stand strong especially for the children that have a future ahead.
But, I was surprised when the PPP supporters and some of its executives link the suicides to sugar. This PPP and GAWU will do anything especially using the dead for political power. I am not surprised at all because Dr. Jagan’s name is what keeps the PPP alive, during their campaigns they used that name more times than it is written in the history books of Guyana. They also used his pictures in trying to invoke the dead. How would anyone say that the termination letter is the cause that those two gentlemen committed suicide? I don’t believe that the investigation into what caused the death of the two men, is completed as yet.
The workers knew months now that they will be terminated, PPP and GAWU said it almost every hour of the day in public, be it newspapers, social media, television, bottom house meetings, etc. So it’s no surprise letter. I do believe that the PPP and GAWU are the ones that should be blamed for those workers’ death. The reason for those two suicides could very well be because PPP and GAWU are going to workers and spreading lies about what’s happening in the industry. They are the ones that are putting it over to the workers as if they will have no future and cannot live when their services are terminated.
The PPP and GAWU are the ones that are taking the suicidal thoughts to workers and their families. They are the ones that are causing the workers and their families to think as if they have no future. It’s a shame that PPP is once again using the dead for their political gains. PPP need to stop using the grieving families as their tools for political power. It’s shameful to see the length the PPP will go to regain power.
At a recent funeral house, the PPP members were waving their party flag and singing the party song over a dead body. It’s a shame that they are campaigning on the dead. The leader of the party, Bharrat Jagdeo, was there and he also took part. GAWU also seems to be one of the driving force into taking the negative messages to the workers and their families. GAWU’s fight is not for the workers but for the union dues, that’s what they are fighting for and to ensure that workers keep supporting the PPP.
For 23 long years, the PPP was in power and they could not find any solution to sustain the sugar industry and the workers. Now they are saying they have solutions, maybe their solutions are to fool the workers and spread false messages so that they can have the worker’s votes come 2020. After that, the solution will dissolve and they will forget the workers the same way they did since 1992. So workers need to be aware of the false fight from the PPP. Now with the oil monies, the PPP will promise gold and diamond to the people of Guyana esp. sugar workers, but we all need to think.
Think of the neglect for the past 23 years that you the workers had to face from the PPP and think if they go there again the pressure will be worse than that 23 years that they had. GAWU and the PPP need to stop spreading fear into the lives of the sugar workers and their families. GAWU especially must start telling workers and their families not to listen to the PPP because they are inciting fears into their lives. But we all know GAWU would never do that because if they do, their president who is a PPP-sitting MP will be recalled from his post in the National Assembly.
I am also calling on all the NGO’s that are preaching suicide prevention, to condemn the PPP and GAWU’s behaviour towards spreading of the wrong messages to the workers and their families that are creating suicidal thoughts within their minds. To all the workers and their families be strong. Don’t allow anyone to use your grief or death for their political gains. Stop them from driving fear into your lives because they are living happily and fearless. All is not lost, there is a bright future ahead of us no matter what.
Don’t try to tell yourself that it’s the end of things or life, NO. Continue to shoulder each other at this time when some come to you as sheep in wolf clothing, because they have created what is happening within the industry today. I call once again on the PPP and GAWU to stop this type of political campaigning because thousands of peoples’ lives are involved when you go out there and spread lies, and try to send fear into the minds of the people that can motivate them towards taking their lives.
Abel Seetaram
Regional Councilor
RDC Region 5