Bagotstown man to stand trial –for minibus driver’s murder
REMANDED: Orwyn Peters
REMANDED: Orwyn Peters

A BAGOTSTOWN resident, who was committed to stand trial for attempted murder, was on Monday charged with the murder of 38-year-old minibus driver Tedroy Neil James of Suddie, Essequibo.

Twenty–four-year-old Orwyn Peters of Norton Street, Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara, was not represented, and was not required to plea to the indictable charge which stated that on July 11, 2017, while in the company of others, he murdered James.
Peters, who appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, was remanded until August 11.
According to reports, the deceased was driving minibus BTT 976 north along the East Bank Demerara Public Road heading to Georgetown, when a male passenger asked him to stop at Middle Street, McDoom where another male was waiting.
The court heard that as the one male passenger was about to disembark the vehicle, two other males, one of whom was armed with a handgun, pounced on the unsuspecting passengers and began robbing them.
James, upon seeing what was happening, attempted to drive off and, according to the police, was shot in the back by one of the men, who thereafter made good their escape.
James was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), but was pronounced dead on arrival.
Peters and his accomplice, who has been identified as Curtis Vasconcellos and is still at large, were in 2016 committed to stand trial at the High Court for the attempted murder of a Grove businessman.
The two were charged with discharging a loaded firearm at Imran Khan with intent to kill, while robbing him of a $200,000 gold chain and a $500,000 gold ring.
Following their committal, they were both remanded on $400,000 bail.


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