SHAWN Adams, a porter at the New Amsterdam Hospital, was discovered motionless in his weed-infested, waterlogged yard at Mayor and Town Council Scheme in New Amsterdam, Berbice shortly after 05:00hrs on Monday.His wife Trishelle Adams, on opening one of her windows, saw the bicycle of her 40-year-old husband lying across the entrance to their modest dwelling.
“I woke the children (she has three) and I told the eldest one to bring my phone, and we hurried outside…. I then saw him lying just off the wooden walkway…apparently he slipped off.
“The doctor stopped him from drinking (alcohol), but he still drinking,” she lamented.
Describing her late husband as dutiful, the widowed Trishelle recounted with a smile how he would clean her working shoes, iron her security uniform, and take her bath water to the bathroom.
“My husband loved alcohol, but he would never sleep out, nor did he allow me to go to work without escorting me…. He always follow me to work, then would ride off to his workplace,” Trishelle said.
She last saw her husband alive on Sunday, when she left home to view the Independence Float Parade in New Amsterdam.
“He was left at home, as he was not feeling too well. However, later in the afternoon, I saw him on the street and I asked him where he was going and he said he was going up the road…. I also asked him if he had put up the generator and he replied ‘yes’,” she recounted.
After returning home, Trishelle and her children retired to bed, but she got up at midnight and noticed that her husband of over 15 years had not returned home. At that point, she asked her 14-year-old daughter to check her cellphone to see whether there were any missed calls.
She explained that her husband had a health condition and would sometimes be taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital. On those occasions, persons would telephone to inform her of his whereabouts.
However, after not seeing any missed call, she exclaimed: “No news is good news,” before returning to bed. She awoke at 05:00hrs, and was about to commence her morning chores when she opened her bedroom window and made the heart-wrenching discovery.
Shawn’s body was taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital, where he was certified dead. A post-mortem examination on his remains is schedule for today.