Be alert

–Traffic Chief urges road users

TRAFFIC Chief Dion Moore is calling on all motorists and road users to be alert, and to look out for each other when using the roadways.He made this appeal on Monday, following the holiday weekend’s accidents which left four persons dead.
He told this publication that, on the roadways, even one death is too many; and four is not a good reflection of citizens’ adhering to the rules of the road. He disclosed that two of the drivers have since been charged.
As the New Year approaches, the Traffic Chief is appealing to all drivers to reduce speed and be attentive; and to pedestrians, pedal cyclists and motorists, he is appealing that they adhere to the basic rules of the road.
The Traffic Chief opined that some drivers seem not to realise that they have to drive at a moderate speed, so that, in the event that they need to stop suddenly, they can bring their vehicles to a halt in time to save lives.
Moore is admonishing all drivers to desist from drinking and driving, and to have available a designated driver who is not consuming alcohol if and when they must consume alcohol. He said some drivers need to be responsible, since being in control of a vehicle involves the risk of causing injury and death.
He also called on drivers to stop texting while driving. He described the practice as very dangerous, because, he said, if a driver takes his/her eyes off the road for a split second, it can result in an accident, or even a fatality.
The Traffic Chief said all motorists must be equipped with a safety helmet, since protection is paramount; and, in any eventuality, this act can save a life or lives.
As Guyanese look towards the dawning of a New Year, he is asking all road users to kindly portray a better attitude on the roadways, and to look out for each other.
The Police Traffic Department has, for this year, tallied 123 deaths from 105 road accidents; while for the corresponding period last year, 146 deaths from 135 road accidents were recorded.
Statistics, however, indicate a 22.2 per cent increase in road accidents and a 60 per cent decrease in deaths this year.


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