All set for 11th Parliament –environs have about it ‘an era of newness’
Outside the Public Buildings late yesterday, freshly planted flowers and all
Outside the Public Buildings late yesterday, freshly planted flowers and all

THE stage is all set for the ceremonial opening of the nation’s 11th Parliament which begins at14:00 hrs. (2 pm) today. Externally, the lawns, forecourt and general surroundings have been given a facelift, courtesy of the Guyana Horticultural Society, the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown and many volunteers.

The Horticultural Society basically volunteered its services towards the beautification of the area, in keeping with its mandate to foster an aesthetically pleasing environment.

According to Vice-President, Ms Cecelia McCalmont, “This is an opportunity, with this new clean-up fervour, to get that aesthetic environment; it’s part of the idea to get Georgetown back to being the Garden City of the Caribbean, and this is one of the ways in which we thought we could help.”
A special touch will be the planting of flowers in the shape of the Golden Arrowhead, Guyana’s National Standard, which McCalmont hopes will be maintained. “Part of the problem in this city,” she said, “is the lack of maintenance, and we are hoping that once we do this job, it will be kept up.”
Deputy Mayor, Ms Patricia Chase-Green spoke of City Hall’s input and also its appealing to persons to respect the revamped surroundings. She said: “We are appealing to citizens that when they use these pavements, they use them properly. No littering, no loitering, no hanging of bags on the fence and so on…” She added that efforts are underway to relocate the present bus park, and vendors on the southern side of the Public Buildings. “This is the highest decision-making forum, and it must be so respected,” the deputy mayor said.

The 11th Parliament will formally begin with a Proclamation summoning the session, followed by a roll call by the Clerk of the National Assembly, Mr. Sherlock Isaacs. This will be followed by the election of the Speaker of the House, as well as the Deputy Speaker.

Other Members of Parliament (MPs) will then take their Oath of Office, and after the swearing in ceremonies are completed, the day’s business will be read out by the House Speaker.
There will be a short recess around 15:00 hrs. (3 pm) to cater for the arrival of President David Granger, who will address the National Assembly, after inspecting a ceremonial Guard of Honour on the forecourt of the Public Buildings. The President’s address is expected to set the tone of the National Assembly.
It is widely felt that going forward, President Granger is likely to continue stressing the need for unity and cooperation to advance the development of the nation and its citizens.

The first sitting of the National Assembly is strictly invitational, and will not be open to the public. However, the day’s proceedings will be streamed live, via the Internet, and shown on two large screens on the eastern and western sides of the Public Buildings. Tents and chairs will also be set up on the forecourt, from whence persons can follow the proceedings as they occur in real time in Chambers. (GINA)



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