Can the AFC be trusted?

WHAT a party and its collective; the Alliance For Change (AFC)! As a citizen who has been following this party’s journey from the time of its birth, I can only conclude, and with all good justification, that the party has disappointed the many thousands of persons who believed in their announced platform of representing a new political ethic where principle and morality would have become the new guiding light of local politics.

However, unfortunately, what can be described as the biggest hoax in the history of this nation has been perpetrated on the innocent followers of the AFC, and in the process, the nation. Those in the latter quantity have been cruelly betrayed by a collection of unprincipled persons, sheltering under the guise of ‘Peoples Representatives.’
These acts have since been protested by a wide cross section of Guyanese, expressing their great disappointment and anger in the direction of the senior chieftains, Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo, and Nigel Hughes, especially, who have been tainted because of alleged dubious acts that were ascribed to their individual actions. And how shameful these were, exposing the duplicity that had, from the inception, began to characterise the leadership as unprincipled.
Thus, it should not have been a surprise when the AFC, really a political cub masquerading as a heavyweight, announced that it would support the Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, provided that the government agrees on the introduction of the Public Procurement Commission Bill.
Well, one recalls the AFC’s vehement objections to the AML/CTF Bill during the government’s valiant battle to have it legislated, because of what this bunch of charlatans, that along with the A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) had characterised as severe shortcomings.
Such a 360 degree turn, certainly signaled that there was really no fault with the Bill in its original presentation and that the AFC, and by extension, the APNU, ought to have given their unanimous and unqualified support for the Bill’s legislative passage. Editor, any reasonable mind will accept the logic of my summation.
Then, if such a pronouncement had not been enough, it was followed by yet another numbing, even contradictory statement by that party, that it supports all the demands that its cohort APNU has been demanding before support for the Bill is given! Get the picture, editor?
Is it not clear as to the modus operandi of this party, that with their own attempt to play politics with the propriety and good name of the nation‘s existence – their ignorance and gross stupidity have been exposed?
Can one trust such a party? The answer is left for the judgment of its many disappointed followers and supporters.


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