65kph is a reasonable speed limit for East Berbice

APPROXIMATELY four months ago, in a letter published in your newspaper, I asked the authority that fixes speed limits to kindly advise on the rationale used to fix the speed limit in East Canje, Berbice, at 50kph.

Editor, to date there has been no response. Is it that these officials feel that they have no obligation to respond to the foolish public, or that they are supreme and cannot be questioned? Or is it that they think Berbicians are milking cows to be used to fatten others.
I hope the Honourable Clement Rohee or the Honourable Robeson Benn, whichever Ministry the authority falls under, can use some turpentine on them.
In my previous letter, I showed — by comparisons to other areas, width of road, congestion, etc — that fixing the speed limit at 50kph was not consistent, rational or realistic. I also queried 50kph at Tain and Esplanade Road, and the requirement to stop before proceeding across bridges on the Corentyne. I asked whether statistics of tickets issued in East Berbice for 2013 showing tickets issued in the 50kph zone and 80kph zone could be published. If they need a copy of my letter, they can call 618-3510.
Editor, the police continue to be unreasonable. Imagine, at 14:00 hours on Labour Day, when, as one sugar worker put it, there was not even a red ant walking on the road, the police was there with the speed gun. It is hard to drive below 50kph on an uncongested road. As I said before, 65kph is more realistic.
I once again ask the authority responsible to share the rationale used to fix the speed limit in these areas at 50kph, or change it to 65 kph and remove the stop sign on the bridges.



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