A reading revolution can help curb crime

FOR the better part of 2013 I have given much thought towards dealing with crime, violence and poverty.

It is my earnest expectation and hope that we as a church, an institution and movement will, in our efforts to create a reading revolution across the nation will over the years result in fighting against certain negative elements that seem to stifle the development and growth of our nation – the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.
There have been many public programmes (government initiatives) designed to curb crime and violence which have had some degree of success, undoubtedly benefited society. But we believe that more could be done in the drive to deal with these ills of society. Moreover, the church has over the years played an important role in the conversion of many criminal-minded persons, of whom I was one of the chief culprits back in the mid-seventies. Now we are faced with all kinds of criminal minds from petty thieves to ATM smart Alexes, right on to collar and tie (intelligent insurgencies: kleptomaniacs, terrorists, schemers, charlatans and other forms of evil associations).
I met a man on the street in front of the New Thriving Chinese Restaurant on a Sunday midday, while waiting on my daughter. I deliberately began a conversation with this individual who represents an epitome of crime and poverty. The 10 minutes spent with this 50-year old living on the streets revealed some compelling information that was appalling.
Now conducting an interview with someone with such demeanour is definitely not the work of the Government or Opposition. But one thing is certain: it gives me a real perspective of some of the elements in society that contribute to accelerated crime and violence.
With statistics reading 30 deaths within 70 days as a result of crime and violence, this should be alarming for a country as small as Guyana.
Many would say, this is all because of the Opposition or on the contrary the government is responsible for internal security or the safety of its citizenry.
Whichever way we choose to argue, we surreptitiously give way to the criminally oriented mind out there, to continue their atrocious acts of murder and violence, upon our innocent and sometimes guilty peoples.
These same people will continue their escapades with impunity until or unless someone speaks to them in a manner that will bring some degree of change in their behaviour. That someone could appear in the form of reading an inspiring book.
I share in the thought that when someone reads a book, they are listening to what is said and not necessarily what is written. An inspiring book is based on a story told, and not a lesson in Maths or English. It is on this premise that we as a church have embarked on a massive distribution effort to get this book into the hands of persons on the highways and byways of life; it is strongly felt by persons who have read this particular book that it is the best thing that has happened to them in terms of a changed mindset.
I speak to civil society, business community, government institutions, church affiliates and others who may want to come on board to call us today and seek to sponsor copies of this book; as we continue to fight against these scourges of society and create an environment of confidence for our posterity.
The name of the book is: “God is marvellous and life is beautiful”. It is not sold in stores. Our telephone numbers are 231-4813, 696-2881, 686-8654 and 624-4615.
We have distributed hundreds of copies of this book during the past few months. And on International Literacy Day, we took the opportunity to distribute to various organisations and individuals.


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