Govt. willing to assist persons displaced by airport expansion project to relocate
Minister Robeson Benn

GOVERNMENT is more than willing to provide house lots for hundreds of persons currently dwelling on the outskirts of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), who are required to move as a result of the multi-million-dollar expansion project.

altThis was reiterated by Public Works Minister Robeson Benn during an interview with the media yesterday.
Housing Minister Irfaan Ali endorsed this statement. He recently informed the media that, in the coming week, a committee will be established to implement the relocation process.
According to Ali, this Multi -Stakeholder Committee will include representatives from the affected community as well as the CJIA, the Ministry of Public Works, and the Housing Ministry, among others.
The minister said some 20 acres have been earmarked for this relocation, but while the land will be just enough to accommodate those currently living in the area who are required to move, given its strategic economic ties to the community, access to the airport will remain a priority.
The area being developed, according to Minister Ali, does not preclude persons in the affected area from opting for a house lot available in other areas being developed.

He did, however, caution that government would have to expend some $250M in infrastructural works, including roads and drains, for the newly developed area.
He noted that an initial survey of the area has been completed, and that what are required now are the BLOC Survey and for the engineers to design the new housing development.
Minister Ali explained that an accumulation of preliminary works, including designs and installation of physical infrastructure, would cost some $250M.

He said that the area identified for the relocation programme is primarily a ‘swamp’, and as such will require preparatory works.


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