Wrong charge frees minibus driver of causing death

MAGISTRATE Nyasha Williams-Hatmin, at Vreed-en-Hoop Court, West Coast Demerara, dismissed a dangerous driving charge against minibus driver, Andrew Cameron, last Tuesday. Cameron had been charged, with having, in March, 2009, driven a vehicle in a manner dangerous to the public, causing the death of Arial Suhai, a three-year old girl, at Tuschen Access Road, East Bank Essequibo.
The case for the prosecution was that Cameron, contracted by several parents to transport their schoolchildren to and from home, had the victim as a passenger on February 9, 2009.
After she disembarked in front of where she lived and the door of the bus was closed, Cameron attempted to drive away but heard screams from the child’s mother, Shaliza Suhai and other persons.
He immediately stopped, and people pushed the bus off the crushed schoolgirl, leaving her brains spilled on the road.
The injured girl was rushed to West Demerara Regional Hospital where she was pronounced dead.
Several witnesses, including the mother and grandmother of the deceased, Bejoy Gopaul, testified, but in her ruling, Magistrate Williams-Hatmin found that the Police failed to prove that Cameron drove dangerously.
The Court held that there was clear evidence of negligence on his part, as he should have ensured that the child had crossed the road or entered her yard before attempting to drive off.
The magistrate noted, though, that the evidence did not amount to dangerous driving and, in her opinion, a different charge should have been instituted against the defendant, based on the facts available to the Police.
Attorney-at-law, Mr. Lyndon Amsterdam appeared for the Defence.


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