President Jagdeo commends intense soldiers’ education programme

THE GUYANA Defence Force will, in March, be embarking on an intense education programme for its ranks, through distance learning modules.

Chief-of-Staff, Commodore Gary Best, made the announcement at the annual Officers Conference, themed ‘Re-engineering to enhance national defence and security’, which opened yesterday at the Officers Mess in Camp Ayanganna, Thomas Lands, Georgetown.

In attendance at the opening also were Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Bharrat Jagdeo; Secretary to the Defence Board, Dr Roger Luncheon; Minster of Transport and Hydraulics, Mr. Robeson Benn and other Joint Services Heads.

Best said the programme will be conducted at five levels, similar to the system in secondary schools.

He said it would give soldiers, who may not have completed secondary school a second chance, allowing them to pursue further education at a technical institute, University of Guyana or at any other tertiary institution.

“No longer will the Army be seen as oppressive where education is concerned. In years to come, an educated soldier will serve in it and be part of the Force which also addresses the sore point of our soldiers becoming indigent due to lack of preparation while in service,” Best remarked.

He said soldiers will be prepared to enter the labour market after military service, adding that the programme is interconnected to promotional standards and examinations which are now reintroduced into the Force for officers and other ranks.

“We recognise that we do have a social responsibility to our citizens and, in particular, our youths. I made it quite clear that the Guyana Defence Force will share its talents and resources to fashion and develop our youths and improve and shape behaviour,” Best said.

He said, as such, the Army will develop and submit, to the Defence Board, a proposal aimed at youths in high risk areas, which will allow for “roll over” type training that can be received by the target group and adult training schools.

“Surely such an initiative can only result in the improvement of lives among our youth population and a reduction in violence and crime at the same time,” the Chief-of-Staff posited.

President Jagdeo, in the feature address, commended Best for the education programme that the Force is finally getting off the ground.

The Head of State said he has always emphasised the importance of giving soldiers the skills to lead productive lives after they leave the Army and, noting that this is the first major organised attempt to do it at all levels of the Force, expressed the hope that it will succeed and yield better results.

He said Government has committed a lot of money to the project and he will be looking to the accomplishment.

President Jagdeo pointed out that recapitalisation and equipping the Army is very important but, given the realities of the country, it is not a task that will be completed immediately but something to be worked on overtime.

“A closer examination of the Budget and its exponential growth will show how committed we are to this process,” he offered.

The President alluded to allocations for the security forces, over the past several years and its significant growth.

He observed that it compares well to other sectors of the economy, which is an indication that Government has accorded security and defence the same priority.

President Jagdeo commended the armed forces, as well, for the work and collaboration evidenced in actions to rid the country of the Rondel ‘Fineman’ Rawlins gang in the past year.

However, he charged them not to become complacent as there will constantly be a battle between the State and criminal enterprises, which will take all forms and shape, some of marauding groups with high-powered weapons, others of drug dealers and money launderers and people who steal from the Treasury.

“We have to be vigilant in the battle against all of these groups because these groups sap the life of our society; they affect our development potential and it is one of the duties of the State to ensure that people and enterprises in the country have the possibility to flourish without having to worry about security, both at the personal and business level,” President Jagdeo offered.

He said he expects the Police would continue to focus on fighting criminals and better hone the excellent collaboration that was established with the Joint Services.


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