Youman Nabi Messages

Let’s embrace the virtues of peace, brotherhood

THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) extends Youman Nabi Greetings to the entire Muslim community in Guyana.
Youman Nabi is celebrated throughout the Muslim world in observance of the birth and death anniversary of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) who is regarded by Muslims as the last and final prophet of God.
This is indeed a good occasion to reflect on the life and teachings of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) which continue to inspire millions of people throughout the world.
There can be no doubt that not only Muslims but humanity as a whole have benefited from the great teachings of the Prophet with his universal message of peace and brotherhood.
As we reflect on this significant occasion, we can take pride in the fact that we in Guyana enjoy religious tolerance and complete freedom of worship which cannot be said of several countries in the world, where there is religious persecution and harassment of those who embrace religious beliefs that are different from what is considered dominant.
The PPP calls on all Guyanese to embrace the virtues of peace, unity and brotherhood which are central to the teachings and beliefs of the Prophet Mohamed(PBUH).
Once again, happy Youman Nabi greetings to all our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Peoples Progressive Party

May Youman Nabi engender peace in our country

IT is now beyond repute – and dispute – that the Islamic Prophet Mohamed, On Whom Be Peace (OWBP), is one of mankind’s most seminal and life changing figures who contributed to this world as we know it.
The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) salutes Guyana’s Muslim community, including hundreds of its own members, on the occasion of the Birth of their Prophet – YoumanNabi.
The celebration of a birth is always tinged with joy of hope, new beginnings, fresh starts and the advent of things to come. However, it is what actually transpires after a birth – that period until death – that we must concern ourselves with.
The history of the Prophecy’s birthday is traced to around AD 570. First, observed during the thirteenth century, the earliest Muslims used up one whole month to do this. Later, it was the sound teachings and admonitions of Islam’s Founder which scholars and the faithful study to meaningfully observe his momentous birth.
GAWU embraces the teachings of the Prophet (OWBP) with respect to the search for personal and universal peace. Recent conflicts illustrate that even the powerful cannot win hearts and minds, cannot change people’s preferences with the force of guns and bombs. As the Prophet (OWBP) teaches, humility and peaceful engagement is the way to understanding and mutual respect. If there is one precept the followers of Islam can perpetuate it is the pathway to peace.
GAWU invites Guyanese Muslims to both disseminate and implement messages and techniques of peace. If peace is promoted and achieved – from the political and constitutional to the local and national – everything else our society needs can fall into place – increased production, security, investment, national well-being.
May the celebration and worship on this glorious birth anniversary be used to engender and maintain Guyanese peace.


Let’s offer special prayers for peace

THE Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) wishes to extend greetings to all Guyanese, especially those who are adherents of Islam, on the occasion of Youman Nabi, a national holiday which commemorates the birth of (and the death of ) the Holy Prophet Muhammad (On Whom Be Peace).
The IAC recognises that followers of Islam were present in this country since the days of slavery, as many of the enslaved Africans were Muslims.
The IAC also recognises that new influxs of Muslims to this country occurred during the period of indentureship, as approximately one out of every five East Indian immigrants was a follower of the teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (On Whom Be Peace).
The IAC calls upon all Guyanese to remember the moral pathways outlined by the Holy Phophet Muhammad (Whom Peace Be Upon) in which he called upon all mankind to the way of peace and to the belief in supreme being, and thus reminded them of the importance of principles such as faith, repentance, honesty, simplicity, equality and concern for the dispossessed and the poor.
The IAC, in this significant commemoration of one who arguably is the greatest human who ever lived and who preached the value of love, sacrifice and compassion, to be positively influenced, so that our everyday interactions with each other, irrespective of ethnic religious and class origins, will be brotherly.
The IAC is therefore pleased to join with Muslims here and worldwide to observe this auspicious day, and urge that special prayers be offered for peace, so that our country can move forward with prosperity.

The Indian Arrival Committee

Let us strengthen national unity

YOUMAN Nabi literally mean “Prophet’s Day”. It is also referred to as EidMilad-un-Nabi or known as Mawlid-un-Nabi, which is the celebration to commemorate the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him). It is celebrated on the 12th of third month of Islamic Calendar Rabi-ul-Awal. From the point of view of Muslims, this date marks the most important event in the history of the world. Muhammad, Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him, is regarded as the chief of the Prophets, the Perfect man to whom the Holy Quran was revealed, the best exemplar and the greatest benefactor of mankind. He is the person for whom God had proclaimed:
“Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! you also should invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace. [33:57]
On this occasion therefore, public meeting are held in the mosques, where religious leaders make speeches on the different aspects of the life of this great man. The stories of the Prophets birth, childhood, youth and adult life, character, teaching, suffering and forgiveness of even his most bitter enemies, his fortitude in the face of General Opposition, Leadership in the battles , bravery wisdom, preaching of his final triumph through God ‘s Mercy over the hearts of people, are narrated in detail.
Some Muslims, however, do not celebrate his birthday or death anniversary as they believe celebrating birthdays and death anniversaries is not part of Muslim society as such. They instead hold Seerat-un-Nabi meetings where speeches are made on the different aspect of the life of this the greatest benefactor of mankind.
The Inter Religious Organisation of Guyana sends greeting to all Guyanese and especially to the Muslim community and urges the people to strengthen national unity by emulating the footsteps of the Holy Prophet. Use the teachings of the Holy Prophet and rekindle our souls with the light lit by him.

The Inter-Religious Organisation


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