Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana…PNC/R denies having links with criminal underworld

–But ‘Brey’ begs to differ; even has incriminating evidence to prove it
OLD Kai has a message for the opposition: It is better you shut your mouth and let certain issues go, as they will do more damage to you the longer they are in the limelight.
Case in point: The recent comments by PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee, who alluded to the nexus between the opposition parties, specifically the PNC/R (which is now disguised as APNU) and the criminal underworld.That party’s former Member of Parliament and one-time Mayor in Linden is now serving a life sentence in a US jail for plotting to blow up the JFK International Airport.

This fact was laid bare by Rohee, as concerns continue to pile up regarding the motive behind the deliberate delay by the AFC/APNU partnership in passing the ammended Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill.
Rather than keep their mouths shut and try their best to ignore this damaging revelation, in the hope that it will soon pass over so they could get back to their scheming ways, the PNC/R chose to issue a statement attacking Rohee for his comments. Amazingly, the PNC/R also denied any involvement or support for criminals, or any criminal network or enterprise!
So, what this means, then, is that their action of publicly draping the National Flag over the casket of notorious criminal, Linden ‘Blackie’ London, at the Square of the Revolution a few years ago, did not actually happen!
Or that that party’s Chairman representing the criminals in Court during the crime-wave, including the one accused of killing the little girl, Christne Sukra ,on the East Coast, did not happen either! And neither did the same PNC/R Chairman and others representing the drug dealers to get them to escape justice, turning up at the Police station the moment a drug accused is arrested to secure their release, and in the process thwarting the investigative efforts to get at their accomplices, including the ‘big fishes’, did not happen!
And what about the infamous recording of the former Police Commissioner now turned APNU Member of Parliament (Shadow Minister of Security) and PNC/R Chairman (Shadow Minister of Legal Affairs) discussing how they will plant drugs on a woman; the disappearance of a large sum of foreign currency (legitimate or illegitimate) from Congress Place; or diverting Police attention from the real perpetrators of the Agricola massacre? Were those just a figment of the nation’s imagination?
In hindsight, it is now very relevant to question whether that large sum of foreign currency which disappeared from Congress Place was acquired through some illegitimate process, and intended to finance something. All that is relatively recent.
Now, let’s look back in time at the discovery of the X13 terrorist plan by the PNC at Congress Place in the 1960s, which detailed an elaborate network designed to destabilise the PPP Government of Dr. Cheddi Jagan. It is opportune now to start republishing excerpts of that report, so the nation can be reminded, and the youths can be aware, of what we are dealing with; more so, if you live by the adage that ‘the PNC can never change its stripes despite all its name changes’.
In all of this, the PNC/R, in its statement, steadfastly maintains that the PPP General Secretary was way off the mark, as the party is innocent of any wrongdoing; rather they cannot even harm a fly, as they are lily white angels.
Remarkably, in a strange twist of fate, while the PNC/R was claiming innocence, its former General Secretary and Member of Parliament, Aubrey Norton, was accusing executives of the party of being involved in illegal activities, the evidence of which, he claims, he is in possession of. Very damning indeed!
Old Kai wonders how they will explain this away. This revelation further serves to confirm the contention of the PPP General Secretary, and brings us right back to the AML/CFT Bill.
It has been several months now, and more than one missed deadline which has placed Guyana on an international financial blacklist, and yet the opposition cannot tell this nation what exactly their concerns are with the Bill, and why are they taking so long to address them.
In actuality, the actions of the opposition in the Sub-Committee tasked with reviewing the Bill (once again), where they have a majority, would be a good lesson for aspiring drama students.
If they are not staging planned walk-out of meetings because the snacks are not enough, they are suddenly more busy than the President, so they cannot attend meetings; or when they are actually at a meeting, the previous day happenings in ‘The Young and the Restless’ takes centrestage of discussion rather than the nation’s business.
Just imagine! Our taxes are paying these people in APNU and the AFC, providing them with all the perks, so that they can mismanage and deliberately sabotage our affairs!
Their delay in passing this Bill is an attempt to protect their vested interests. Old Kai is now wondering how much more ‘foreign currency’ they have to ship out of Congress Place before they decided to support the anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism Bill.

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