Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha marks 40th Anniversary
Celebrating 40 years of unstinting service: The massive march involving representatives from the Sabha’s various praants located across the country
Celebrating 40 years of unstinting service: The massive march involving representatives from the Sabha’s various praants located across the country

–amidst high praise for its positive impact on society

THE Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha yesterday marked its 40th anniversary with a special cultural programme hosted at the Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud Dharmic Sanskritik Kendra in Prashad Nagar, where the organization’s contributions to society were lauded by major stakeholders as a significant factor in the moral upliftment of Guyanese society.

A massive march of supporters enthused by tassa drumming preceded staging of the cultural programme, which attracted hundreds from the Shabha’s praants located across the country.
Also present was Acting President, Samuel Hinds, among several members of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and representatives from the Muslim and Christian communities.

Some of the dancers from the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha in one of the many featured performances on the programme of events
Some of the dancers from the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha in one of the many featured performances on the programme of events

Prayers, numerous songs and dances were among the performances that resonated with an explosion of cheer, enthusiasm and some level of nostalgia.
Dr. Vindhya Persaud, head of the Dharmic Sabha and daughter of the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, was among those who acknowledged the feeling of nostalgia that was palpable in the atmosphere. She
said the milestone being celebrated required “immense struggle, dedication and commitment”, qualities that her father displayed when he founded the Sabha.
She told the Guyana Chronicle that the enthusiasm showed by supporters of the Sabha augurs well for its continued work, and shows that people are committed.
Dr. Persaud said, “Forty years is an impressive achievement. I am encouraged that people recognize the work of the Sabha, and also recognize that as we work in unity we can do much more. If we speak with one voice, we can achieve anything.”

These youngsters wowed as they were cheered on
These youngsters wowed as they were cheered on

She expressed her appreciation to supporters, and stressed that working in partnership with major stakeholders of local society is one way to ensure wider impact for the good of all Guyanese.

General Secretary of the ruling Peoples’ Progressive Party, Mr Clement Rohee, was also present for the celebrations. He noted that the impact of the Sabha’s work extends to fostering national unity and social cohesion.
He said, “I think the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha has made a very significant contribution to the development of our country; to the unity and sustenance of ideas of the Hindu community; and, by extension, to social cohesion.”
He noted the organisation’s efforts in working closely with other like-minded groups to realize change in local society.
“A good thing (in) the campaign is the non-alcohol promotion, which I think bodes well in contributing to rectifying the many society ills we face today,” Rohee said.

Hundreds of the Sabha’s supporters turned out to celebrate the 40-year milestone
Hundreds of the Sabha’s supporters turned out to celebrate the 40-year milestone

He also commended the Sabha on its achievements over the last 40 years.
Doing likewise was Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, who
said, “The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha has made an absolutely outstanding contribution to the protection, promotion, and promulgation of Hindu culture in Guyana.

Acting President Samuel Hinds and Government ministers were among the attendees at yesterday’s celebrations (Photos by Adrian Narine)
Acting President Samuel Hinds and Government ministers were among the attendees at yesterday’s celebrations (Photos by Adrian Narine)

“Over the years, the body has ensured that major Hindu festivals are recognized and that the celebration of these has grown and transformed itself over the years.
“The Sabha has contributed immensely to making Hindu events an important part of the larger, rich, cultural tapestry of Guyana.”
Dr Singh noted that, as a country, Guyanese can be proud of the nation’s diversity, of its being a unique place when it comes to spiritual, religious, and ethnic diversity.
Dr Singh pointed out that, in lauding the work of the Sabha, remembrance of its founder, Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, is a must. The minister said, “It is impossible to speak of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha without speaking of its founder who, 40 years ago, had the vision to establish the Sabha (and) provide it with outstanding leadership.
“This is the first anniversary where he is not present. He, almost singlehandedly, built the Sabha into the strong national organisation that it is, and ensured that the mission of the organization was being discharged. His contribution cannot be captured in words.
“Today, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha is a huge national organization, and has brought together people from different backgrounds. Its accomplishments are indeed something to be proud of.”

President of the Guyana Central Arya Samaj, Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo, was also on hand to celebrate the Sabha’s anniversary.

He stressed the successes the Arya Samaj and the Sabha have been able to boast because of their partnership. Mahadeo said, “The Arya Samaj is only one of the groups that the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha partners with. We have had a close working relationship, and the Sabha and (the Samaj) have been integral in uniting the people of Guyana.”
The Hindu Dharmic Sabha has been active in many communities, not only as it seeks to preserve its rich culture, but also as an advocate against alcohol abuse, domestic violence, suicide, and HIV/Aids prevention. Its members have also undertaken charity drives to assist the underprivileged, and have held numerous literacy programmes.
The President of the Guyana Central Arya Samaj stressed that the mottos of both groups go together. The Sabha’s motto is ‘Action thy Duty, Reward not thy Concern’ and the hundreds of supporters in attendance concurred that the intrinsic message of the Sabha and its efforts to date reflect its motto – as it strives to be a promoter of change.

(By Vanessa Narine)

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