DIVYA Yabindranauth, 20, knows there is a lot of pessimism about pageantry and girls who enter pageants.

But she believes that the evidence speaks for itself – national beauty pageants, especially Miss World Guyana, have allowed contestants a much greater stage to rally support for the vulnerable in society through its signature humanitarian programme Beauty with a Purpose, and hence her participation in this year’s pageant.
Originally from Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo, Divya migrated to the USA seven years ago. She currently lives in Houston, Texas with her parents and two younger brothers.
Even before thinking of Miss World Guyana, she has been part of Saving Hands Emergency Aid (SHEA), which provides financial aid and medical treatments for individuals in dire need of medical care.

In December of last year, SHEA facilitated the US travel for six-year-old Shazim Saman, who suffered second and third degree burns to 40% of his body, after an object exploded from a burning garbage heap where he was playing. Shazim is still in Texas receiving treatment and could soon head back to Guyana.
“Seeing the condition Shazim was in when he was first transferred to Texas for treatment has touched me on so many ways as I’ve seen his agony and struggle first hand,”” she says in a brochure promoting the work of SHEA.
“It has given me the strength and determination to give it my all in making sure someone in need of urgent medical care receives the help that is essential to save their life.”
This week, Divya travelled to Region One, to introduce residents there to SHEA. In the Miss World Guyana pageant, she was named the Ambassador for Region One. Even though she had not previously visited the Region, she believes the idea of having some of the contestants represent a geographic region which is not their hometown allows them the opportunity to know their country better and appreciate its varied customs and way of life.
Divya travelled to Mabaruma and Shell Beach, among other areas in Region One, and returned to Georgetown even more inspired to continue her work with SHEA.
The Miss World Guyana pageant is set for May 27 at the National Cultural Centre. The winner will represent Guyana at the Miss World Pageant later this year.