Presentation by Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan – Architect of Guyana’s Independence on The Occasion of the Presentation of the Instruments of Independence (From Colonial Rule)

“YOUR Royal Highness, Mr. Speaker, the severing of the British Colonial tie in Guyana, and the attainment of political independence are welcome features of the struggle of this country and its people for a better life.

These features in today’s context do not, however, guarantee the realisation of the better life we all seek. They merely represent a further stage – advancement of the continuing struggle.

I wish to thank their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, as representatives of Her Majesty the Queen for their presence in the house to hand over the new Constitutional Instrument. But lest our position at this historic ceremony be misunderstood, it is necessary for me to observe that the people whom my party represents hold considerable reservations.

The form of the Constitution being handed down at this time is one which perpetuates division in our society and entrenches minority rule. The Constitution has failed to lay the foundation for national unity. The fundamental right, which the Constitution seeks to safeguard, is in a great measure, nonexistent and the Government has provided evidence in great abundance of its intentions to render all safeguards nugatory.

Detention without trial has plagued our country since July 1964 when by a Constitutional Amendment, the United Kingdom Government gave to the Governor, acting without advice, power to detain without trial.

The power was made to appear by the world press and the radio, to have been exercised by the Government of which I was the head. The powers were in fact arbitrarily exercised by the Governor to the detriment of the members and supporters of the PPP.
Abuse of these powers were now transferred to the Government, and the extension of such state of emergency beyond the date of the attainment of independence have gathered fear in our land, and have frustrated the efforts of our people and their struggle for peace and security.

The people whom my Party represents are denied any participation in the governmental process. Besides, political independence has been attained under the continuation of the consolidation of foreign economic control and the maintenance of a colonial type of economy based on primary production and extraction.

Debt burdens are already increasing with the resulting pressure on the economy. The annual recurring budgetary deficits will inevitably mean dependence on other governments for budgetary support.

In these circumstances there is no prospect for real independence in external affairs, and the protestations of the Government of pursuing a neutral policy are illusory.
The PPP has been the victims of repeated constitutional manipulation designed to keep it out of office.

We are nonetheless confident that, despite these manipulations, the PPP can be triumphant in future elections if these are fairly held.
Parliamentary democracy as an important place in this country and a heavy onus lies on all of us, but more particularly in the Government to see how it works.

The PPP, the vanguard for Guyana’s struggle for natina berate, is convinced that liberation is achieved only when it has been struggled for and won.
It cannot be a gift of charity. For the people real freedom is still a prize to be won – and win it we will, as a reunited free people.”

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