Final-year students of the Art and Craft Section of the Carnegie School of Home Economics on Thursday put of a fashionable display of the works they have been doing over the past months leading up to their final days at the institution.Teachers and students of the Visual Arts section put on display items such as African dolls, leather slippers, leather key rings, tie-dye dress lengths, free hand paintings and costume jewellery

among other items.
Speaking with this publication, Mrs Kim Gordon, Administrator of the Craft Production and Design Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, explained that the students indeed worked hard over the last term, and the smiles which were evident on their faces during the display of their work was one of pride and satisfaction; and it was special to those who worked with them.
There were also posters and other items made from the bark of the banana tree, and dry leaves coupled with towel-hanging items, she explained.
Mrs. Gordon also confirmed that persons from the school are expected to head to the Caribbean Festival of Arts, which would shortly be held in Haiti.
The items which were on display will be assessed and graded by the Examinations Division of the Ministry of Education, following which the students would have the honour — as is customary — of taking their pieces home.
The Carnegie School of Home Economics is also calling on persons who have an interest in visual arts and other courses, such as garment construction — which the school offers — to make urgent contact with the principal so that information on registration enrolment dates can be obtained. (Leroy Smith)