Amazing Facts

A Customer Gave A $10,000 Tip To A Pizza Hut Waitress
PizzaJessica Osborne, a 20-year-old Pizza Hut employee in Angola, Indiana got a life-changing tip of $10,000 from a regular customer who gave her name only as “Becky.” Osborne had become friendly with Becky and her family, who would come in every Friday. Osborne had been struggling financially, and had recently withdrawn from a local college because of a lack of funds. Becky and her family had also gone through tough times; Becky’s husband and daughter were killed in an auto accident. When a large settlement from the accident came in, Becky decided to use some of the money to help Osborne out. ABC News quoted her as saying, “It’s unbelievable. It doesn’t happen to people every day. I mean, I work at Pizza Hut!”
Singing Ringing Tree (Panopticons)
Singing-Ringing-TreeThe Singing Ringing Tree is a wind powered sound sculpture resembling a tree set in the landscape of the Pennine hill range overlooking Burnley, in Lancashire, England.
Completed in 2006, it is part of the series of four sculptures within the Panopticons arts and regeneration project created by the East Lancashire Environmental Arts Network (ELEAN). The project was set up to erect a series of 21st-century landmarks, or Panopticons (structures providing a comprehensive view), across East Lancashire as symbols of the renaissance of the area.

Designed by architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu of Tonkin Liu, the Singing Ringing Tree is a 3 metre tall construction comprising pipes of galvanised steel which harness the energy of the wind to produce a slightly discordant and penetrating choral sound covering a range of several octaves. Some of the pipes are primarily structural and aesthetic elements, while others have been cut across their width enabling the sound. The harmonic and singing qualities of the tree were produced by tuning the pipes according to their length by adding holes to the underside of each.

In 2007, the sculpture won (along with 13 other candidates) the National Award of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for architectural excellence.………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Cherries are packed full of substances that help fight inflammation and cancer. Two important compounds found in cherries, quercetin and ellagic acid, have been found to inhibit tumor growth and even cause the cancer cells to commit suicide without hurting healthy cells.

cherryCherries also have antiviral and antibacterial properties, and are very nutritional with a low calorie count.
The organ is a Nasal Gland that helps the penguins get rid of excess salt in their body and then the salt (liquid or crystal form) gets pushed out of their bodies through their nostrils. penguinsIt is believed that this functions better than their kidneys in getting rid of the salt. So, the “organ” does not really convert seawater into fresh water directly.………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The Bitter Truth Behind Bottled Drinking Water
Many people believe that bottled drinking water is healthier than tap water because of absence of things like parasites, chlorine, dioxins, and fluoride. There are some areas in the world that do not have safe drinking water. If you live there you should drink bottled water, try purchasing gallons rather than individual bottles. A water filter can save money, the environment, and clean impurities from your water for much less money. Environmentally responsible companies are making glass, cardboard, and other plastic-free containers for food and water.

Here are a few reasons to avoid bottled mineral water:
• No value for money: The bottled mineral water that we purchase from the market cost around $1. If we compare the production cost with the revenue, there is no value for money. Bottled water, which manufacturers claim to be higher in essential vitamins and minerals is no different from tap water. A study found that packaged mineral water costs around 1900 times more than tap water.
1- No health benefits
Various water manufacturing companies claim that their bottled water is healthier than other sources of drinking water. This is absolutely incorrect. Various tests conducted around the globe have proved that packaged mineral water has no added health benefits.



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