— more CCTV cameras; satellite phones, body cameras for cops
— $400M allocated for new Brickdam Police Station
A sum of $47.9 billion has been allocated in 2022 to ensure the preservation of law and order at all levels in society. This sum will enable widespread connection of CCTV cameras and equipping of police ranks with satellite phones and body cameras.
During his 2022 Budget presentation, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, said in 2021, $1.8 billion was expended to improve the physical infrastructure and operational capability of the Guyana Police Force (GPF).
Of this, he stated $795M was expended to complete construction of police stations at Albion, Whim, Mahdia, and Wismar, among others. Additionally, works commenced on the reconstruction of Mabaruma, Ruimveldt, Providence and Yarakita police stations.
Also during 2021, he explained that 50 double cabs vehicles were handed over to the force to improve their response time and bolster public confidence as well as crime-fighting capabilities.
Additionally, he said given the state of the operational fleet of the Force, a further 50 vehicles were procured with delivery scheduled for 2022.
In 2022, Dr. Singh said $4.9 billion has been allocated to strengthen the assets of the Force. In this regard, works will commence on a multi-storey building to consolidate the operations of the Brickdam Police Station which was gutted by fire in October 2021, and for which over $400 million is allocated.
This year, he explained that $2.5 billion has been allocated to expand the Safe City Programme beyond the boundaries of Georgetown.
This investment, he added will see the entire country being connected to CCTV cameras monitored centrally as well as at Regional Command Centres to be established across the country.
“To support the efforts of the GPF, in 2021, we promised to resuscitate community policing groups, nationally. Mr. Speaker, 176 groups were active at the end of 2021 while another 175 are targeted for 2022. To this end, we allocated $99 million to support these groups who have proven to be effective across many rural and hinterland communities,” Dr. Singh said.
He continued: “Mr. Speaker, training also remains a key strategic imperative of the Guyana Police Force. To this end, a sum of $120 million is budgeted in 2022 towards the training of ranks while additional ranks will be added to ensure greater coverage across communities. Furthermore, training in the areas of crime and traffic management will continue to be facilitated both locally as well as with international institutions.”
Meanwhile, for the Guyana Prison Service, the Senior Minister said penal institutions are being transformed into correctional facilities that reform the mindset of inmates.
During 2021, he explained that over $2 billion was expended mainly to complete the first block of the Mazuruni prison and to commence construction of three prison blocks at Lusignan.
In 2022, he added a further $2.3 billion is budgeted towards enhancing prison infrastructure.
“Works will continue on the Lusignan Prison which will be transformed into a modern facility to house both male and female prisoners including a vocational school, an infirmary annex, prison headquarters and command centre. Additionally, works are ongoing at Mazaruni Prison on a second prison block. We will also invest in the training of 1,400 inmates in areas such as anger management, literacy and numeracy, tailoring, among others, at a budgeted sum of $88.9 million in an effort to reduce recidivism,” Dr. Singh said.
Further, he said in 2021, the operational capabilities of the Guyana Fire Service were severely challenged.
“Our government reviewed the situation and took concerted action to identify interventions to arrest this challenge. In 2021, over $140 million was allocated for installation of 139 new fire hydrants in housing areas and for repairs to 51 fire hydrants. This year, $100 million is allocated for additional installations in order to ensure adequate water supplies in the event of a fire,” he noted.
To augment the capability of the fire service, the Finance Minister said especially at time when Guyana’s landscape is changing towards modern, high rise buildings, $255M will be invested to procure a hydraulic platform to bolster the firefighting capabilities.
Additionally, he said water bowsers, ambulances and an all-terrain firefighting vehicle will be procured in 2022.
“Mr. Speaker, $614 million will be expended to relocate the Fire Service headquarters to a less congested area to ensure improved response times. In 2022, $508 million is allocated to continue works on the new Headquarters at Durban Park, a fire station at Ogle, as well as the construction of a fire station at Wales and facilities at New Amsterdam. Further, a sum of $49.1 million is also allocated towards the repairs and maintenance of fire stations countrywide,” he stated.
Notably, the Finance Minister said government’s vision for public safety and security is to create an enabling environment for citizens, business community, investors and visitors alike to feel confident that they and their property are protected, and that they are dwelling in a safe, orderly and peaceful environment.
“Mr. Speaker, our law enforcement agencies will continue to work to preserve public trust and to uphold the rule of law. Initiatives such as strengthening community engagements and partnerships, increasing and improving the deployment of resources in all Police Regional Divisions, enhanced leadership, professional development and performance of staff, heightened crime-fighting capabilities, and improved investigative and forensic capabilities are key structural and operational issues that must guide our security personnel. Concomitantly, technology will be developed and applied to buttress intelligence-gathering and information sharing to improve diagnostic competencies by law enforcement agencies,” he explained.