THE mystique of the passionate kiss, however, we conceive it to be, apart from the desirability and expectations, involves the relative risk of compromising the oral health status of the parties involved. Notwithstanding, bad breath is a “turn-off.”
Random studies demonstrate that more than 80% of people examined suffer from bad breath at some point. But why is this condition so prevalent, and what can we do to prevent chronic bad breath? Or, more specifically, how can we prevent our mouths from producing volatile sulphur compounds?
Bad breath usually occurs from three oral sources: cavities, gum disease, and coatings on the tongue, all of which harbour a preponderance of bacteria that produce the sulphur compounds.
Most of us try to keep our teeth and gums clean by brushing and flossing after meals, but few people realise that the tongue must be cleaned daily as well. The tongue has papillae and grooves that provide ideal places for bacteria to hide and multiply.
To eliminate most sources of oral odour and maintain healthy teeth and gums, floss between the teeth and brush with a soft toothbrush to avoid gum damage. Regular dental examinations will allow early detection of decay and gum disease before they become severe enough to cause bad breath.
Unhealthy teeth and gums are very unattractive, and if you have periodontal disease, your gums may be puffy, red, bleeding, or have pus under them. Large spaces may form between the teeth and gums. One should seek professional help if these signs appear. Others may consciously avoid close contact when these signs are visible, which is not good for romance.
The surface of the tongue is much stronger than gum tissue, so a soft toothbrush—the correct tool to use on your teeth—would not do the job on your tongue. Specially designed tongue cleaners exist, which are firm enough to clean the irregular surface of the tongue yet narrow and flexible enough to reach far back on the tongue, where odour-causing bacteria tend to accumulate.
The most common times when bad breath occurs are in the morning before brushing, if a long time passes between meals, and when taking medication that dries out the mouth. These are all instances of diminished salivary flow. Saliva has antibacterial properties that help limit halitosis, tooth decay, and gum disease.
Snack on fibrous foods like citrus fruits, nuts, or salads. This will stimulate salivary flow without providing oral bacteria with the nutrients (sugar) they need to metabolise. That is why breath mints don’t work. While they stimulate salivary flow and add fragrance to the air, they also feed the very bacteria causing the problem.