PERSONS living with disabilities (PWDs) now have access to specialised ‘sustainable agriculture’ training through the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security’s ‘Learning Lab.’
This pilot initiative, which is in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), aims to empower this vulnerable group.
The programme offers training across several key areas of sustainable farming, including soil preparation, kitchen gardening, nursery production, and crop management.
The curriculum caters to different types of disabilities, enabling personalised instruction that considers each participant’s needs.
According to the ministry, the initiative aims to widen opportunities and foster greater independence for persons with disabilities.
Head of the Learning Lab, Mahendra Budhram said the programme provides persons with the opportunity to develop skills that can lead to self-sufficiency, particularly through agriculture.
Participants responded positively, embracing the chance to grow flowers, peppers, corn, sugar cane, and watermelons in their kitchen gardens.
In addition to agriculture, the Learning Lab has trained over 100 persons with disabilities in various fields in 2024, including basic computing, adult literacy, numeracy, video editing, and social media marketing.
With classes limited to 15 to 18 participants, the small-group setting ensures personalised attention and a more effective learning experience.
The ministry has also introduced a new training course, ‘Interacting with Persons with Disabilities,’ which focuses on communication skills and inclusive practices.
Developed with the support of the Canadian Development Agency, Catalyste+, the programme aims to improve interactions with people living with disabilities.
These programmes align with the government’s commitment to create equal opportunities and supportive environments for PWDs.
For individuals with disabilities interested in learning a new skill, the ministry encourages them to reach out. Persons can call 592-259-3710 or email for more information. (DPI)