Bosai expansion aims to triple production
His Excellency Dr Irfaan Ali, Prime Minister Phillips and  Minister Benn alongside various stakeholders on Saturday
His Excellency Dr Irfaan Ali, Prime Minister Phillips and Minister Benn alongside various stakeholders on Saturday

-will transform mining sector, create 300 jobs

PRESIDENT, Dr Irfaan Ali; Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips; Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn and other ministers, visited the Bosai Minerals Group Guyana Inc on Saturday to oversee a significant expansion of the Metallurgical Bauxite Project (MAZ).

This ambitious initiative aims to increase bauxite production from 1 million tonnes annually to 3,000,000 (three million) tonnes per annum, marking a transformative phase in Guyana’s mining sector.

The expansion involves several key components, including the construction of a new Bosai wharf and the installation of a 20-kilomtre conveyor belt system designed to transport bauxite efficiently from the mines directly to the wharf. The wharf, currently at 85 per cent completion, spans approximately 1,200 cubic metres and represents a critical infrastructure upgrade for the project.

This project is being executed by China Road and Bridge Construction Company (CRBC) in collaboration with the local partner Japarts, on behalf of Bosai.

The expansion is expected to significantly boost the local economy by creating approximately 300 jobs for residents, offering a substantial improvement in employment opportunities in the region.

Works ongoing at Bosai (Ministry of Home Affairs photos)

Minister Benn expressed optimism about the project’s impact, stating, “This expansion not only triples our bauxite production capacity but also underscores our commitment to fostering economic growth and creating job opportunities for our people.”

He highlighted the long-term benefits, emphasising the increased capacity for export and the strengthening of Guyana’s position in the global bauxite market.

This development follows last year’s improvements aimed at mass producing a higher grade of bauxite.

Bosai Minerals Group Guyana Inc. (BMGG) announced an injection of US$115 million into a ‘mass project’ to advance its local operations. This was announced by the Managing Director of the Bosai Group, Yuan Zhilun, during the commissioning ceremony of a new rotary kiln #15 at the company’s mining site in Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice).

The rotary kiln commissioning was a pivotal moment for the company, as it represented a significant upgrade in its processing capabilities. This kiln is designed to improve the efficiency and quality of bauxite production, aligning with Bosai’s strategic goals of enhancing production capacity and quality to meet growing global demand.



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