The Strength of a Mother

NOTHING overrides the love of a mother. Her unconditional love, unwavering support and guidance positively impact her offspring. Her presence is needed, and her time wanted.

She is the backbone of the home, an influential figure in the eyes of those looking up to her, defining right there what it means to be mother. A mother leaves herself undone on many days unbeknown to her children, and bears the worry of finances, food and clothing, while balancing academics and her personal time.

The idea behind motherhood is a scary one. You are expected to know what is best for yourself and your child/children, to know how budgeting works, to have faith, to be levelheaded and strong.

A mother’s entire career life is altered the moment she finds out she is pregnant. The mere thought of being responsible for another human being, with the hope of it not being true being the only form of comfort.

An American financial therapist, wife and mother of two, Lindsey Konchar, through her website, “Coping With Lindsey,” helps persons to cope with motherhood, marriage, finances and of course, mental health.

She listed 25 qualities of a good mother, and started her article by stating that there is no one way to be a good mother. She accompanied each characteristic with two ways of how to embody the trait.

At number one, she told her audience that they need to accept their child for who they are. Ways to show acceptance include giving children autonomy, – recognising your child’s need for independence and to allow children to express themselves through body language, behaviour, play and attire.

Some other characteristics include being adaptable to new situations for surviving and thriving in motherhood, attentiveness, authenticity, bravery, communication, creativity, decisiveness, empathy, gratitude, and being intuitive just to name a few.

Maya Angelou’s poem to mothers titled, “Mother, A Cradle To Hold Me”, said it best:

“It is true I was created in you. It is also true that you were created for me. I owned your voice. It was shaped and tuned to soothe me. Your arms were molded into a cradle to hold me, to rock me. The scent of your body was the air perfumed for me to breathe.

“Mother, during those early, dearest days I did not dream that you had a large life which included me, for I had a life which was only you. Time passed steadily and drew us apart. I was unwilling. I feared if I let you go you would leave me eternally. You smiled at my fears, saying I could not stay in your lap forever.”

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. May you find the strength every day to keep being the “phenomiMom” that you are. (Faith Greene)


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