Gov’t invests $53M in Region One training centre to empower local workforce
Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton with officials during the sod-turning ceremony on Wednesday
Minister of Labour Joseph Hamilton with officials during the sod-turning ceremony on Wednesday

RESIDENTS of Port Kaituma and the Matarkai sub-district in Region One will soon have access to enhanced skills-training opportunities, thanks to the construction of a $53 million training centre.

This development marks the first time such facilities will be available to residents in these areas, signifying a significant step towards empowering the local workforce.

The initiative was announced following a sod-turning ceremony on Wednesday to commence the construction of a Board of Industrial Training (BIT) centre and labour office. Situated in Oronoque, the project is expected to be completed within six months, providing a timely boost to the region’s educational infrastructure.

The training centre will incorporate a design similar to those currently under construction in Corriverton and New Amsterdam, Region Six. Additionally, the facility will include a cutting-edge Welding and Fabrication and Joinery center, adhering to the standards set by the Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (CVQs).

The Ministry of Housing and Water, in collaboration with the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), facilitated the allocation of the land, enabling the implementation of this essential initiative, as stated by BIT.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton, emphasised during the sod-turning ceremony that Wednesday’s event highlights his ministry’s dedication to providing technical and vocational training programmes, irrespective of geographic boundaries.

The minister said this aligns with the Government’s efforts to address the shortage of skilled individuals in the country.

“Region One has been pleading for a technical training building, and so, today’s event is the Government’s way of responding to such a recommendation. And so, they (residents) should expect a very holistic and comprehensive programme from the Labour Ministry,” Minister Hamilton said.

Currently, there is a Labour and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) officer assigned to the sub-district. However, upon completion of the construction, a technical officer for BIT will be hired to oversee the area.

Furthermore, Minister Hamilton declared that the primary objective of establishing the regional labour office is to decentralise the services of the ministry from Georgetown. According to him, this strategy will guarantee prompt handling of labour-related issues, workplace incidents, and health hazards, as well as regular oversight and inspection of operations.

This initiative aligns with the PPP/C administration’s commitment to protect workers’ rights and well-being, as well as ensure that citizens have access to the services offered by the ministry.
Others present at the sod-turning ceremony were: Chief Executive Officer of BIT, Richard Maughn; Technical Officer for BIT, Rohan Bishop; Prime Minister Representative for Region One, Margaret Lambert; Regional Vice Chairperson, Annansha Peters; District Development Officer of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), Orlando Thorne, and Chairperson of the Matarkai Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), Keith Parker.

The commencement of construction for the building is imminent.


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