THE Pomeroon-Supenaam region will soon witness an increase in agricultural production following the distribution, on Friday, of $1.9M worth of agricultural inputs to a total of 29 farmers from different farmers groups.
Among the items, which were officially handed over by Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha, are a small land tiller, water pumps, drip systems, shade house materials, a Mist Blower, a milking machine, and pasture wires.
During the handing over ceremony, Minister Mustapha made it a point to note that the government is highly in favour of equal resource distribution, and as such wants to ensure that farmers in Region Two receive their share.
“This equipment will be made available to over 1200 farmers in the regions all across the country; we will allow our officers to allow these inputs to be available to all that want it to use,” he said.
Noting that the National Agricultural Research & Extension Institute (NAREI) will be distributing free planting materials soon, he encouraged farmers to continue planting.
The Minister spoke of the need to develop nurseries in the county. In Essequibo, he plans to study the plants that are necessary in the region.
The agriculture sector is currently undergoing a transformation and modernisation, according to Delma Nedd, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture. According to her, the equipment will aid expansion and diversification. She stated that agriculture now relies on machinery and has a higher number of people participating. She urged farmers to make sure of the equipment.
The Director General of the Minister of Agriculture, Madanlall Ramraj, stated his happiness to be involved in the transfer of equipment and tools to farmers in the region. He stated that the tools will add to the existing efforts of the farmers in the region.
“This will assist you further, I hope that this will help improve production and your yield, the agriculture sector has grown by 9 per cent testimony of the investment,” Ramraj said.
Farmer Permaul Singh expressed gratitude for the equipment and thanked the Government for their intervention.
Attending the distribution ceremony was Regional Vice Chairman Humace Oodit and Regional Executive Officer Susannah Saywack.