GDF’s modernisation to target economics, defence diplomacy

– as country builds human resources, promotes peaceful resolution to issues

ECONOMICS, defence diplomacy and human resources are among the key components being examined to modernise Guyana’s Defence Force (GDF), President Dr. Irfaan Ali has said.

“We have a very elaborate defence strategy; our defence strategy is not based on going to war because we want to go to peace; that is why we have always utilised the peaceful way of resolving any issues,” President Ali said on Wednesday during an Inter-American Dialogue conversation in Washington DC.

For example, Guyana, he said, has always taken this approach to the long-standing Venezuela border controversy, where the Bolivarian Republic territorially claimed more than half of the country’s land.

“On the issue of the Venezuelan controversy, of course we are very clear as to where our borders are,; but we have allowed this matter to go to the ICJ [The International Court of Justice]. We have continuously encouraged Venezuela to participate fully in the process and for both parties to respect the outcome of the process and that is where we stand with this,” Mr. Ali said.


Meanwhile, he noted that the government is pursuing a strategic modernisation plan based on three components.

“One is economic in nature, one is defence diplomacy and the third is asset, our human resource asset and our hardware.”

To achieve its target, Guyana is seeking out partnerships with the United States and India.

“We have perhaps one the broadest collaborations with the US now as any time in our training; an asset acquisition. At the same time, we also have expanded our relationship with India and we have many other stakeholders who are pursuing us in terms of being a part of the modernisation of our Guyana Defence force.”

President Ali is currently on a three-day visit to Washington DC, where he is expected to meet and engage in dialogue with several officials.

Mr. Ali is expected to lead in-depth discussions on the plans for the country’s armed forces.

He is accompanied by GDF Chief of Staff Omar Khan and several other Guyanese officials.

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