A Global Responsibility

SOCIAL justice remains an elusive goal for many nations, particularly those in the developing world where economic disparities, systemic inequalities, and marginalisation of vulnerable populations persist.
As a global community, it is crucial that we recognise the urgent need to prioritise social justice in developing countries.

By doing so, we can foster equitable societies that uphold human dignity, empower marginalised communities, and pave the way for sustainable development. Developed nations have a significant role to play in this endeavour, and their contributions are vital for driving positive change on a global scale.

In his address at the Twelfth Subregional International Labour Organisation (ILO) Meeting of Caribbean Labour Ministers at the Guyana Marriott Hotel on Tuesday, President, Dr Irfaan Ali said that 53 per cent or four billion persons in the global population are not covered in a social- protection programme.
“Studies have shown that one per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) investment of social- protection policies can have a multiplier effect on GDP between 0.7 per cent and 1.9 per cent,” he said.

Acknowledging that this is a theoretical study, he called on the attendees to imagine if one per cent of Global GDP was deployed to help developing countries.
“If the ILO spends so much money on this study that shows the multiplier effects of one per cent if national investment on GDP, you have proven it. What are you going to do to ensure the globe commits to one per cent to developing countries of GDP? One per cent of the developed world’s GDP, imagine the multiplier effect,” he said.

Developed nations bear a moral obligation to support social-justice efforts in developing countries. Their greater access to resources, technology, and expertise places them in a unique position to make a meaningful impact.

Developed nations can allocate a significant portion of their foreign-aid budgets to support programmes and initiatives aimed at promoting social justice. By providing financial assistance, they can help bridge the resource gap and enable developing countries to invest in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and poverty alleviation.

Those nations also possess valuable expertise in areas such as governance, law enforcement, healthcare, and education. They can actively engage in knowledge-transfer programmes, training initiatives, and capacity-building exercises to empower individuals and institutions in developing countries. This would enhance their ability to address social injustice effectively.

Further, the developed world could engage in partnerships and collaborations with international organizations, NGOs, and civil society groups working towards social justice in developing countries. They can also advocate for policy changes that address systemic inequalities and promote human rights, both domestically and internationally, among many other things.
The pursuit of social justice, however, is a collective responsibility that requires the active participation of all nations, particularly developed countries.

By prioritising social justice in developing countries, we can create a more equitable world that upholds the rights and dignity of all individuals. Developed nations must recognise their role in fostering positive change and take concrete action to support social-justice initiatives.
Let us embrace this responsibility and work together to create a brighter, more just future for all.


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