APNU’s campaign built on ‘lies’, ‘intimidation of people’
PPP/C General Secretary Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo
PPP/C General Secretary Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

–Jagdeo says party continues to claim support without presenting proof

WITH the A Partnership of National Unity (APNU) yet to put forward any evidence debunking statistics that the party is contesting in less than 45 per cent of constituencies at the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE), General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Bharrat Jagdeo has accused the Opposition of executing a campaign built on “lies” and “intimidation of people”.

Addressing issues arising with candidates and supporters of the PPP/C, Jagdeo accused APNU members of bullying and threatening candidates and backers of the PPP/C’s lists to remove their names, and denounce their support of the PPP/C.

“Their entire campaign is built around lies and intimidation of people in the communities; they have gone to the homes of the people, bullying them into signing forms. In one area, they have a single template printed out, carrying it to people to say that they didn’t sign the list,” Jagdeo said.

He added: “People were intimidated to withdraw, because they were fearful for their lives. They say we live in a hostile community, and they will harass us. So, we chose to do this, but we are still very supportive.”

According to Jagdeo, the support for the PPP/C is evidenced by the party’s ability to attract enough candidates and backers to contest in all 610 constituencies at the June 12 polls. However, he questioned the authenticity of the support the APNU continues to claim without putting forth proof.

Armed with spreadsheets outlining statistics showing the various constituencies and Local Authority Areas (LAAs) where APNU is not contesting, Jagdeo challenged APNU to show evidence to prove otherwise.

Notwithstanding the statistics, members of the APNU maintain that the party is contesting in “practically all” of the constituencies and areas. Jagdeo said this couldn’t be further from the truth.
“How could you, up to today, lie to the people of this country? Who will believe such a party? How can a Leader of the Opposition go to a press conference and tell such a blatant lie, without fear of it being exposed. How are you going to PR it away?” Jagdeo said.

According to the General Secretary, APNU is still reeling from the shock of the massive support that was observed for the PPP/C on Nomination Day on April 17, particularly the significant support the PPP/C got in traditional APNU strongholds.

“They still can’t recover; it has taken a big toll on their psyche. Seeing a multi-ethnic party made up of people of every race in significant numbers that is their nightmare. So, across the country, they are engaged in intimidation tactics to scare people off,” Jagdeo said.


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