Elections COI report
President Dr.Ifraan Ali and COI chairman retired Justice of Appeal, Stanley John ( Photo by Adrian Narine)
President Dr.Ifraan Ali and COI chairman retired Justice of Appeal, Stanley John ( Photo by Adrian Narine)

On September 13, 2022, Chairman Stanley John and commissioners — former Chancellor, Carl Singh and Senior Counsel Godfrey Smith were formally appointed and sworn in as commissioners under a commission issued by Dr. Irfaan Ali, President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, acting under section 2 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act of  Guyana. 

The terms of reference of the commission, in essence, mandated the commissioners to, among other things, inquire into and report on attempts, and by whom, to undermine and frustrate the legally prescribed process for the counting, ascertaining and tabulation of votes in the General and Regional Elections of  March 2, 2020, and on attempts to prevent a true declaration of the results of that election. 

The commission began hearings on November 3, 2022, and concluded its sittings on February 10, 2023. Some 39  witnesses were summoned or otherwise approached the commission to provide testimony. 

The report was handed over to President Ali by the COI chairman today (April 26, 2023) 

See the full report below.

RevisedFinal Report of C of I_April 2023


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