Dear Editor,
I am pleased to report that after the publication of the letter on Monday under the headline, “The tenure of the Press Association’s executive body has long expired,” the de facto President released a statement hours later revealing that the elections will be held in May this year.
The statement noted that this decision was made at the “most recent” meeting with its three-member executive. Editor, one needs to question exactly when this “most recent” meeting was held.
The long-expired executive body of the Guyana Press Association (GPA) sought to blame the COVID-19 pandemic for the three-year delay in holding the polls. But while this excuse can be accepted for 2020 and to some extent 2021, what happened in 2022?
The ruling PPP government removed all COVID-19 restrictions in early March 2022. We may never get the truth from the de facto President as to why she failed to call the elections earlier.
Nonetheless, we are happy that the elections will be held in May and we hope that there won’t be another ploy to delay again.
Sincerely yours,
Concerned media worker