-President Ali urges at start of Islamic Awareness Week
CELEBRATED under the theme, “Know Muhammad: the brother of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus,” the commencement of Islamic Awareness Week was observed on Friday evening at the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO) Complex on Woolford Avenue, Georgetown.
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips joined President, Dr Irfaan Ali for the launching, which was organised by the Guyana Islamic Trust.
Islamic Awareness Week is slated to run from February 3-February 12.
In delivering his feature address, President Ali highlighted the importance of incorporating the qualities of Prophet Muhammad, such as kindness and tolerance into one’s way of life.
Touching on the issues of today, and how they can be solved, the President asserted that one should not place boundaries on kindness and tolerance.

“There is no boundary as to who should receive our kindness or kindness must be only confined to those in our community, or kindness is only confined to Muslims around you,” he said.
On a mission to build a society in which the aim is to achieve tolerance, kindness, fairness and justice, the President stated that one must not be silent during an injustice.
“You cannot be part of an injustice that destroys the fabric of society,” he said.
At the launch, several respected Sheiks also delivered public presentations on the Quran, Prophet Muhammad, and how his attributes can be for all and not just Muslims.
Firstly, Shaikh Abdool Hamid said that it was the Prophet’s attitude and way of life which demonstrated what is best in a human being.

“It is character, not force, not fame, not wealth that captures hearts and souls,” he said in his message on how the Prophet possessed an ideal character and morals.
Also, President of the Guyana Islamic Trust, Shaikh Abdool Aleem Rahim highlighted how the Prophet was put forth to guide mankind.
He also said that the reason for the theme is to urge all to learn about the lives of the Prophets because they were “the lights for humanity.”
Moreover, special presenter, Shaikh Mohammed, delivered a message of unity and highlighted instances in which the Quran displays miracles of science and teachings which can be utilised by everyone, not only Muslims.
Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha; Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat and the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall, were also present at the event.
Some of the month’s calendar of activities also include; public presentations from respected sheikhs, social welfare programmes, community projects and house-to-house visits