Dawn Hastings-Williams reportedly new PNC/R General Secretary
Dawn Hastings-Williams
Dawn Hastings-Williams

–comes in at a time when party battles racism, financial mismanagement claims

DAWN Hastings-Williams has reportedly been named General Secretary of the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNR/R) after the resignation of Geeta Chandan-Edmond from the seat after months-long leave.

She comes in at a time when the PNC/R is experiencing significant public dissent stemming from explosive internal conflicts.
Hastings-Williams was tipped for the position along with Mervyn Williams. There was also rumours that Simona Broomes, who had also publicly criticised the party following the outcome of the 2020 General and Regional Elections, was under consideration for the role.

The new PNC/R General Secretary comes it at a time when the party has seen resignations of two of its leaders, Chandan-Edmond and its treasurer Faaiz Mursaline.
Mursaline had reportedly raised issues of racial discrimination as well as financial mismanagement happening within the party.

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton, who is also Leader of the PNC, has been pressed with questions by media workers about the claims.


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