Dear Editor,
AN intimidated Norton meekly back-pedalled and admitted that, “There is nothing to be investigated as it relates to my call to the Chairman of GECOM to go.” Chewing on his previous words, “We hope we don’t have to close it and Claudette Singh will do the decent thing and resign… pressure her to resign or face unspecified action,” he conveniently skipped this portion and left this statement outside of the room. Choosing not to refer to this ransom, he fast tracked to mutter, “The police has nothing to investigate….” Those are damaging, dangerous and incriminating words, certainly not meant to lower the blood pressure of the chairperson but rather, on the contrary, to make her gulp and gasp in fear for her life. There is no ambiguity about any veiled threat and the nature of the man is again reproduced when he continued with, “the police could be sued and if the police goes in the direction of following PPP on these kinds of activities, legal action will be taken against them.” His choice of words again underscored him resorting to threats and his bullish actions, the big difference, this time he is threatening the police. Forgetting that he is not the President of the country, he wants to direct the show by dictating from outside what cannot be done and what must be done, based on his terms and conditions. No wonder the Attorney-General Mr Anil Nandlall, surmised that the man is living in ‘La La Land.’
The Attorney-General took umbrage at Norton’s words, deeds and actions, prompting Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Gail Teixeira to call on the police to investigate the threats and acts of intimidation by the Leader of the Opposition against the chair of GECOM. “These threats and verbal attacks expose a sinister plot to bully and intimidate a former Judge and the chairperson of a constitutional body, the Guyana Elections Commission, one of the highest in the land which is established to protect the right of the Guyanese people to vote for a government of their choice in freely and fairly managed elections,” Minister Teixeira stated.
Guyanese would recall and the world will not forget the “misogynist and racist attacks” by members of the opposition party against the national, regional and international observers at the General Elections 2020, including members of the ABCE diplomatic corps. This country was held hostage for five agonizing months when the Granger-led PNC government had their knees on the back of Guyanese and the nation was not allowed to breathe, their freedom snatched. Meanwhile, the diabolical administration functioned illegally and a number of illegitimate resolutions and approvals were passed.
Minister Teixeira further stated, “Mr Norton and his party cannot accept any person that opposes their interest and stands in their way for their thirst for power, more so women daring to stand up for what is right. This is evident even within their own party in his abhorrent treatment as the newly elected leader of his party of former General-Secretary, Amna Ally, a woman who served her party loyally for 53 years.” Chip off the block, Norton continues from where Granger left off.
It is noteworthy to reflect on former CARICOM Chairman and Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonsalves’ pronouncement, calling on the then President Granger to denounce those speaking ill of the Secretariat officials.
“I am deeply disturbed at the credible reports that persons, purportedly allied to certain political forces in Guyana, have been threatening, defaming, and verbally abusing leading personalities in the CARICOM Secretariat, including the Secretary General, His Excellency Irwin La Rocque. This is wholly unacceptable! Accordingly, I publicly call upon His Excellency President David Granger, an honourable man, to denounce those who have been engaged in such threats, defamation, and verbal abuse. The voices of all decent men and women of democratic temper must join in the denunciation and condemnation of those whose nefarious agenda is antithetical to everything that is good and honourable in our Caribbean civilisation,” he was quoted as saying. His words remain relevant and applicable to the batch of Coalition members and their performance in and out of Parliament.
Perhaps the Honourable Attorney-General and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance must have memorised the added comment by Dr Ralph Gonsalves, implying and imploring remedial follow-up action: “These self-same vile and vulgar persons, having failed in their attempts to curse and bully Prime Minister Mia Mottley and former Prime Minister of Barbados Owen Arthur, and me, have now turned their demonic attention to senior staff members of CARICOM and other reputable persons in Guyana and the Caribbean Community. We must continue, fearlessly, to do the right thing. The evil of the anti-democratic brigands must not be allowed any space to triumph. I await, soonest, the declaration by the Chair of GECOM of the results of the elections. It is long over-due!”
Guyana and law-abiding Guyanese cannot allow Norton to continue with his mission to disrespect the law by issuing intimidating threats. Minister Teixeira is well within her right, intimating her intention to formally write the international community regarding the ‘targeting and threats to Justice Singh, as well as Norton’s “dastardly plot” to undermine the GECOM and the electoral system in Guyana. Meanwhile, the world revolts against Norton and his revolving revulsion.
Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall