What is more tragic than death?

“THE greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.”

These words are from one of my favourite mentors, Myles Munroe. I had other things to write about today but so many people I knew died and we are only in the first month. Last Sunday’s message at Love and Faith reminded me that there is more to my purpose. I love that quote because it causes me to reflect on my purpose. There are levels deeper to fulfilling my goal and I intend to intentionally in the pursuit of exploring those levels.

Don’t take it for granted when you go for those next breaths that they will be there. Reminders of death can improve life, according to a review of research on how people respond to both the conscious and unconscious awareness of their own mortality.

“The dance with death can be a delicate but potentially elegant stride toward living the good life,” write American and Dutch researchers in a published study.

The conscious awareness of death can motivate people to take better care of their physical health and reprioritise personal goals, while unconscious awareness can motivate people to live up to positive standards and beliefs, build positive relationships, become involved in their communities, support peaceful coexistence, and enrich their own lives.

There is nothing more permanent than death and death is the only appointment every human has to keep. How do we prepare for this crucial appointment? We know the time, what we want to wear, say preparing for other appointments. I certainly will amplify on that in another column.

A sad fact is that with life comes death; it will happen to all of us. But that doesn’t make dealing with or understanding it any easier. Someone I dated years ago and shared very special moments with was one of the persons who recently died. My friend and cultural icon Robb Bob Semple, is another. I marvelled at the fantastic tribute hosted by the Guyana Cultural Association, NY. His achievements were many and yet he remained humble.

Many from his country of birth and around shared experiences, including of the Director Spike Lee, who referred to him as a legend. Marcus Garvey will probably greet him with a big hug for the work he so passionately did in his honour.

A brilliant man with a  distinct voice we can never forget. The last interview he did with me was before the release of 365 Invaluable Life Experiences featuring contributors from around the world, including him. He had a very interesting life and I was bugging him to do his book and he intended to, but unfortunately did not get to.

I am sharing an excerpt from the story he shared in this compilation book.

“It takes a long time to be an overnight success
The Sunday on which I travelled took me to the JFK
Airport in New York, where I boarded the aeroplane for
the four-hour flight to the Caribbean island. The
number of first-class seats in any commercial aircraft
is oftentimes no more than 10. Dressed in my
dungarees, tee-shirt and a cap, I confidently took my seat in the front section of the aeroplane. Momentarily, I observed the flight attendant approaching me with a clipboard in hand. Before she could have formed her mouth to say anything, I declared, “I’m in the right seat.” To which the attendant responded, stuttering, “Well….
passengers are always moving around…. and I just
wanted to make sure you were in the right seat.”
Really?? As far as I was concerned, she wanted to
make sure I was in the right section of the aircraft. I
enjoyed my trip sipping on complimentary wine, and
being served my meal in ‘chinaware.’
Upon my arrival at the St. Thomas airport, I was warmly
greeted by members of the local production team. After
securing my luggage, I was informed that I will be taken
to a hotel, and at approximately 8:45 a.m. the next day. My voice coach, Eric Zucker, will be picking me up to take me to the set (location). I immediately said to
myself, “Eric Zucker?” That did not sound like a
Caribbean or an African last name to me. After all, I
‘won’ the commercial in New York and wondered why
I had to be assigned a voice coach.

When the Jeep pulled up outside the hotel, I hurriedly
jumped in, still excited about getting the opportunity to
acquire my first national commercial. Mr. Zucker
greeted me and I returned the perfunctory greeting. On
our way to the set he asked, “Ron, do you speak
calypso English?” In my strongest Guyanese creolese
accent I retorted, “Man, I taaak anyting.” I calmly
continued, “Eric, I auditioned in New York and was
successful in winning this spot. What can you, a white
man, teach me about my Caribbean accent and how it
should sound? I hope you’re being paid well.” He was

Such positions are filled during film
projects whether they are necessary or not. Even the
Director’s daughter was hired as the script girl, part of
the crew that was in St. Thomas a week or so before I
got there. Working vacation?? Mind you, this was for a
thirty-second commercial. The final product of a
thirty-second commercial could take several days
to film.”

He had the personality that filled a room and his infectious laughter echoed.
I hope the ministry plans to acknowledge his legacy and celebrate the contribution he made to our culture. He made it to three scores and 10 and that is what is promised in the bible. None of us know the time or the hour and we constantly hear let’s live today as if it is your day. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but it is POSSIBLE. Let’s not take it for granted when you go for those next breaths that they will be there as we celebrate this beautiful journey called Life BEYOND THE RUNWAY.

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