Partner with investors to grow, expand your business
Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar speaking at the Berbice Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Wednesday in New Amsterdam, Berbice 
Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar speaking at the Berbice Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Wednesday in New Amsterdam, Berbice 

– Minister Indar encourages Berbice Chambers of Commerce

By Nafeeza Yahya
MINISTER within the Ministry of Public Works, Deodat Indar, has urged the private sector to partner with investors to grow and expand their businesses in light of the booming economy.

The minister issued the call on Wednesday during an address at a luncheon hosted by the Berbice Chambers of Commerce on Wednesday.

While talking up Guyana’s economic growth as the fastest in the world, the minister highlighted that persons are coming from the world over to invest and capitalise on the economic boom.

To this end, he urged businesses to find partners to avoid being left behind as the local content legislation is being tabled today will seek to have more Guyanese involved in the industry.

“As of half year, Guyana’s economy grew by 14.5 per cent; it means that we are one of the fastest growing countries in the world. At the end of this year, we are expected to grow by 19.5 per cent so again, if you look at the global data for every country, Guyana is the fastest growing economy in the world and it is attracting investors from all over the world. From every part of the world people are coming, be it to build hotels, whether they come to build shore bases, fabrication, construction — you name it — people are looking to come here. So we have to make sure we find persons that are coming thought the Chamber of Commerce as well just to make sure that you as business people find a partner that can help you grow your business,” the minister said.

He added: “By partnering with firms that have long history and experience and expertise in areas that you operate in and can add value to you, you should look to partner with them to grow your business and it will give you a better chance in bidding for contracts and so on.”

The Minister with responsibility for Public Infrastructure also stated that the government of the day works hard and will ensure the right climate exists to attract investors.

“So what I’m saying to you is the stability of the country is intact, you have a democratic-elected government in place that the world respects and is working with. You have stability in terms of you are going to make your investment and know there is no disruption to it and what you will be having in very short-term is the reduction of energy cost and operating in a low cost environment so that will enable you to  make returns and progress. So I’m asking you as the private sector to look for these things. The successful businessmen in Region Six did this and broaden their business and you can too,” he said.

In addition, the minister said efforts are also being made to steadily increase employment.

“It’s the government’s plan over the next three years to train about 1,000 persons  per annum in oil and gas and these people will be trained at a facility that is accredited, which is the Port Mourant Training College. The facility is recognised by the government because it has a certification and the training will be done there. So it will be 1,000 persons per annum and its different categories of persons that will be working in the oil and gas sector,” Minister Deodat said.

Apart from the oil and gas sector, the minister pointed to the agriculture sector in Region Six that has several farm-to-market roads that are expecting to open up new lands for development. The call centre and the re-opening of the sugar estates were also identified as job creation opportunities that will allow Region Six residents to have more disposable income to enhance their spending power.

Meanwhile, President of the Berbice Chambers of Commerce, Ryan Alexander, earlier called on the minister to allow the chambers to have a seat at the table as it relates to development in Region Six. He posited that as investors, the private sector should have a say as it relates certain decisions, especially location of certain key sites.

Alexander made it clear that the private sector is pro-development and applauded the efforts of the government thus far. He, however, called for the establishment of an industrial hub in Palmyra in light of the expected deep water harbour to aid the oil and gas sector.


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