Attorney-General honoured by New York State Assembly
Attorney-General Anil Nandlall listens to Jenifer
Rajkumar of the New York State Assembly before
being presented with a citation for his role in protecting
the rights of Guyanese. Romeo Hitlal, at
left, looks on
Attorney-General Anil Nandlall listens to Jenifer Rajkumar of the New York State Assembly before being presented with a citation for his role in protecting the rights of Guyanese. Romeo Hitlal, at left, looks on

ATTORNEY-GENERAL (AG) Anil Nandlall on Friday was honoured with a citation by the New York State Assembly for his role in protecting the rights of Guyanese. The honour was presented by Assembly Woman Jenifer Rajkumar.
The AG who is in New York, also addressed a large gathering of Guyanese at Catering Hall in greater Richmond Hill on Rockaway Boulevard in Queens.
He gave an update on the floods and political situation in their homeland. The Attorney-General also took shots at the APNU+AFC’s support for attempts to rig the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections and assured his compatriots that bills are going to be passed in Parliament to deter rigging and those who committed electoral fraud will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

A section of the gathering at Catering Hall in greater Richmond Hill on Rockaway Boulevard in Queens

Nandlall also told the gathering that President Dr Irfaan Ali is leading from the front and ministers and officials and party workers are going into the fields to interact and serve the population. That is how Dr Jagan trained us, he said, adding: “We serve all Guyanese regardless of race or political affiliation. We will stay rooted in the ground and deliver to the nation what we promised in the manifesto. We are delivering and scoring well so far.”
Everyone, he reminded, has an equal place in Guyana and said the government is committed as it has promised to governing in the interest of all Guyanese.
Photo saved as Nandlall
Caption: Attorney-General Anil Nandlall listens to Jenifer Rajkumar of the New York State Assembly before being presented with a citation for his role in protecting the rights of Guyanese. Romeo Hitlal, at left, looks on


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