Dear Editor,
I HAVE taken note of a publication made recently by Mr. Jagnarine K. Singh titled “Party loyalists and activists getting increasingly frustrated over pay to play”. It is my view that the narrative painted by the author is far from the reality and as such, I hope to shed some light on same.
To begin, it is important to note that the author built on the views expressed by the APNU+AFC suggesting that loyal supporters of the PPP/C are “mentally lazy”. The fact that such a position was taken shows the biased nature of the missive which was put forth and should therefore be rejected. One of the main things that Mr. Singh stressed on is that the PPP/C Government should be governing the country only in the interest of their “loyal” supporters. Again, this could not be farther from the truth.
Mr. Singh is also up in arms about the award of contracts to persons not connected to the PPP/C or who didn’t campaign for that party. In this regard, it is central for individuals like Mr. Singh to recognise the fact that contractors go through a very competitive bidding process in order to secure contracts. The government does not simply award contracts as they feel. The narrative which was presented in the missive was that even contractors who supported the Coalition are now getting contracts. Mr. Singh alleges that such is an indication that they are paying to get in on the action. My confusion with Mr. Singh’s position on this note is whether or not he thinks that contractors who supported the Coalition should be locked out of the bidding process now that the PPP/C is in office. Such a stance is ridiculous because the reality is that the PPP/C cannot just award contracts to contractors who support them. The bidding process is very fair and transparent and as such, any contractor can make bids to secure contracts as dictated by the laws.
One of the things that I have taken note of with the PPP/C Government is that every contractor is allowed a fair shot when bidding, despite who they support. The author is suggesting that something shady must be going on since contractors who supported the Coalition are being allowed to get contracts under the current administration. In my view, Mr. Singh fails to realise that despite who these contractors support/supported, they are still Guyanese. At the end of the day, the PPP/C Government is governing in the interest of all Guyanese, so there is no discrimination in terms of awarding contracts. I trust that Mr. Singh would reassess his position on this matter as it is not only biased, but also far from reality.
Yours respectfully,
Erin Northe