CARLOS Bollers and Yuvraj Singh, on Wednesday, confessed to the brutal slaying of night guard, Muneshprem Ayasammy Monien, 53, whose battered remains were found aback Sookram’s General Store Rose, Hall Town, Corentyne on March 31, 2018.
A bloodied axe handle and sand bags were found a short distance away from the body.
Bollers, 21, of Guava Bush, Corentyne, and Singh, 20, of Williamsburg, Rose Hall, ‘threw in the towel’, after they pleaded not guilty to the capital offence of murder for which they were charged. On Wednesday, they pleaded guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter before Justice Simone Morris- Ramlall at the Berbice Assizes.
The duo will know their fate on February 11, following a probation report on their background.
Particulars of the indictment stated on March 31, 2018, Bollers and Singh murdered Monien called ‘Todd’, in the furtherance of a robbery.
Government pathologist, Dr. Vivikanand Brijmohan, reported the cause of death was due to shock and haemorrhage due to multiple injuries.
The injuries include three oval-shaped stab wounds to the left upper chest wall. The wound track entered the left chest cavity between the second and third ribs with two cuts to the left upper lobe of left lung.
Further, there was an incised wound to the anterior and left neck, along with a traverse cut to the trachea, which penetrated through the cervical spine, fracturing the third cervical vertebra.
The now convicted men were employed at Sookram’s General Store. Bollers confessed that the plan was hatched after he had seen where his employer would hide money from the daily sales.
He had the responsibility of securing the premises daily and lodging the key with the owners. However, he failed to do so. In execution of the plan to rob the premises, Monien was murdered.
During the investigation, Bollers’ mother, Lalita, was charged with accessory to murder. A search at her home had led to the discovery of $1.5M, purportedly proceeds from the robbery.
However, that case was thrown out at the High Court.