POLICE are currently investigating a fatal accident on Wednesday afternoon which left four dead, including a pregnant woman, and several hospitalised.
The accident occurred around 17:55 hours when a white Toyota Primo motor car #PRR 2569 and motor lorry GJJ 7150 which is registered to Industrial Steel Fabrications (InFab) collided on the Montrose Public Road, East Coast Demerara.
Reports indicate that the motor car was proceeding west along the northern driving lane of the southern carriageway at a fast rate of speed and while negotiating a right bend the driver lost control of his vehicle, collided with the median and ended up on the northern carriageway into the path of the motor lorry which was proceeding east on the southern driving lane on the northern carriageway.
As result of the collision, the driver of motor car, Chris Bradshaw, 35, of Queenstown, Georgetown; Lynden Pryce, 54, of South Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara; one female (name unknown) about 30 years old, and one male (name unknown) also about 30 years old, received severe injuries and were escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital where they were seen and examined by a doctor on duty who pronounced them dead.
A police release said the bodies were escorted to the Lyken Funeral Home awaiting post mortem examination. The driver of the motor lorry and the other occupants received injuries about their bodies and were taken to the Woodlands and Mercy hospitals for treatment.